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you can post your story at the below URL

If it has too many characters, please post them in two separate posts, numbering them.

I will start drawing in February after the lottery.

*your avatar's name need not be your real name






I LOVE this concept! What a wonderful way to both interact with your fan base meaningfully and ethically pick out their ideas, while also free up your mind to focus on character design and practicing comic composition! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽💯❤️ Question: Would it be alright to submit a link to a text or document file if we tend to be "wordy"? =P Two pages do not necessarily leave much room for large scenes. However, giving you more "source material" with proper punctuation in an easier to read format that more readily avails itself to Machine Translation would probably help you with adapting it. Also, would it be helpful if we include panel breakdowns of scenes with included dialogue? Like a screenplay/script where some description of particular panels (or scenes) are broken down with stage directions to help the production team realize/adapt the writer's intents? Thanks again for your consideration! I hope you have a wonderful week! Your last post was lovely!


i think posting a link is ok but I believe the second part of your suggestion is difficult. Those instructions demand perfection from me, but I am just an amateur, so it seems impossible for me to draw a manga perfectly. This is and should be a more easygoing project


I had figured as much. Though, in any event I was thinking of them as "rough ideas" as opposed to "rigid structure", but I can see your point. 😅 I mostly just wanted to be more helpful if I end up getting myself around to writing & submitting something. 🤣🤦🏽‍♂️ But, either way—thanks & I hope this project offers you some meaningful enjoyment! [That said—your art is quite good—perhaps not the greatest ever, but… 🤷🏽 not bad! :3 [Lord, I don't even want to look at how badly MTL butchers my language. Heh.]


ストーリー部分が長過ぎて分割でお送りしました。 読みにくくなってしまってすみません(;´∀`)




1000文字までしか一度に書けないとは知らず、いざ送ろうとしたか軽く3000を超えていました。 色々と削りましたのであらすじとしてもぎこちないです。