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Good evening everyone, As I previously mentioned on my lost post I did a one week break to breath some fresh so I have to apologize if I'm sharing less content this month, I'll try to redeem myself on december if possible. Reward 350 Ravel In any case, you will find on mega: 350 Ravel Phenex from Highschool DxD, I'm planning on keep working on the waifus from our latest poll, but for now I hope you enjoy this work :> Level 5 Animations -> Short Comics I'll take this opportunity to announce that I'll stop creating animations as those seem to consume more time than I first imagined I had, even by paying someone else to the job it is not worth at the end of the day. So, my plan B is to swap the level 5 animations rewards with short comic panels for a few waifus, I have already some examples here: https://mega.nz/#F!dx0AiJyB!gs255xR-t3BtFDl8VCOAHQ (I understand this is a last minute change and some of you might not be happy, I accept the consequences, if you want to ask for a refund please message me, thank you)



Oh, okay. I look forward to it.


If I sponsor in December, can I still get the previous lv5 animation rewards?