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Hello everyone, New changes will be done to all tiers on patreon, fanbox and fantia: » It will be longer available the option to request old works from my mega.nz gallery, instead: » One set of works will be available to download per month (each work will be choosen by me, and will be announced with enough time, and the higher the tier, the more works you will be able to download) - Level 2 tier - 3$ (3 old works + all works released that month) - Level 3 tier - 5$ (5 old works + all works released that month) - Level 4 tier - 10$ (10 old works + all works released that month) - Level 5 tier - 15$ (15 old works + all works released that month)



Will the change take effect immediately or start next month


Instead of losing specific options, do I have access to more works? I need you to check if I understand.


So I can see all works for August now? I was wondering why it said the mona folder was unavailable when I subscribed on time...


Honestly, at the moment I'm not sure what to do. Should I pay for the animation upsell? I have a list of other artists I've been interested in supporting, so it would mean throwing a few of them under the bus. I haven't made use of requesting previous works for months, since I'm up-to-date. To be honest, I was happy just paying for level 4 and getting quality work, but the past days I've been starting to wonder if I should take breaks from supporting you and just request the missed works later. The timing of the upsell and removal of the option to request works seems awkward. I really hope it's not intended to prevent supporters from taking breaks because things are getting too expensive. One thing I've been wondering since you added tier 5: Is the upsell justified? Essentially, do you work additional time on the animations, or do you spend less time drawing now? I don't want to start drama, but I think it's better to let you know I'm not very happy about the current situation.


All works, included Mona will be available to every tier until the end of the month : )