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Here is a preview of pages 14 to 20 of "Master X and the Wild Dog".





Wildfire ignored the ceasefire bell and killed the opponent's collectible with his bare hands. This violated the rules, so punishment is necessary. Wildfire's victory not only surprised most nobles but also sparked the desire of many nobles to challenge him."

野火は休戦の鐘を無視し、相手のコレクションを素手で殺しました。 これはルール違反なので、罰が必要です。 野火の勝利は多くの貴族たちの予想を裏切り、多くの貴族たちに野火に挑戦したいという欲望を抱かせました。


Underground Dungeon

"How dare a mere slave kill our precious guests' collectibles?"

"If it weren't for the boss, you would've been dead already, you beast."

"Remember your lowest status!"

"Next, serve the guests properly and don't cause any more trouble."







"Is this the slave who was particularly fierce in the beast arena just now?"

"But now, surprisingly, he seems to be behaving well."

After the gambling, if the nobles are interested in the victorious beast, they can choose to pay to personally appreciate it or buy it.





"He's even blushing, how cute."

"I heard this slave was personally trained by the president."

"He can't resist any command that starts with 'Wild Dog'."

"Oh, that sounds interesting."

"I can't help but want to test it."



「『野狗』 (やけん) で始まる命令には抗えないらしいよ。」




"Wild Dog, come up here obediently."

"I heard it's your first time serving a man?"

"You... you bunch of scum!"

Despite Wildfire's strong resistance, he obediently climbed onto the sofa.

"You seem to have a sharp mouth. Let's see how you handle this place."

As the nobleman spoke, he teased Wildfire's dog hole with his fingers.

"Grr!... Ahh..."







「ぐっ!... うっ...」


This is the end of the preview.



The English and Japanese translations were done on the spot by me. This is to prepare for the possibility of releasing English or Japanese versions of the book in the future. If there are any translation issues, please feel free to leave a comment and let me know.


Thank you for your continued support so that this chapter can be produced!!

M X WD vol.1 p14-20




請問,part D餘下的部分是會直接以這種方式出嗎?


這個是part C,第一集確實就是把part C的部份以圖文的方式集結而成的~

Mr IceLord

If you finished your books (and hopefully sold a lot of them :P ) can we expect to see more of your new chars firefighter and policeman? Thanks.


Maybe it's because of the mood, but I feel like the color has gotten brighter! It feels so clear! However, turning over a paper book and tapping an electronic screen with my finger seems to be a matter of emotional territory. In addition, I think that there will be many problems to actually consider, unlike digital distribution of actual publishing. Furthermore, I think it is quite difficult to find a route that can be easily sold in that foreign country if you are targeting a country other than yours. Globally, Amazon and Ebay seem to be the most famous, but there are many countries that do not support, and I think selling certain contents may be harder than your thought. Of course, if someone really want it, shopping might not be a big deal, but if you need to sell it to more people, physical books may be quite restrictive. There will be a lot to worry about, but I hope that Aminor can reach the goal you want. Cheer up!( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡


Yes, I am drawing related pictures. My main plan in the future is to show the Master X Wild dog to the end, and draw Police Car X Fire Truck.


Yes, selling physical books is not easy, and it may be a bit difficult for people from different countries to buy. I don't expect the physical book to sell a lot, I think it will be a while before the electronic version will be available for purchase. It should be easier for people from abroad.

