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-Vol.6- (FINAL)

Thank you for watching!!

See you next match!!




Fantastic fight. The two girls are having a nice exchange of dominance.


Vol 6 is great. Kasumi is taking so much damage.


Most impressive fight I have seen for long time. The variety of holds used in this fight and effects of damage and fatigues are astonishing. I loved the progress of battle and different angles of every scene. Your top work so far.


Kasumi is the best! Amazing fight with an amazing ending! Cant wait for kasumi to beat the others


I don't know if it's because I'm a fan of Kasumi, but it seems that Kasumi receives a lot more damage than Ayane. Kasumi overcame a series of potentially fatal attacks and beat Ayane. Especially, I thought 'It's over...' when I saw the hit from Ayane's high kick in the middle of Vol.4 to an extra-hit derived from Ayane's 66+T, the last attack of Vol.5. Overall, Kasumi was persistent with Ayane's head and especially his legs. I think Kasumi was better than Ayane for durability and strategy. I enjoyed your wonderful work. I'll look forward to your next work.


I have three questions about this D.W.E. 1. If that doesn't matter, I would like to know the characters participating in the D.W.E match. First of all, I wonder if Kasumi, Ayane, Momiji, and Honoka will participate, and other DOA characters will also participate. 2. And I want to know how the match works. Is it a group stage? Is it a tournament? Or is it a double elimination tournament? Have you decided on anything? 3. If possible, I would like you to disclose the draws as well.


I'm not good at English, so I'm sorry if it is difficult for you to understand my English. Because I will answer using "Google translation". First of all, I am very pleased that the detailed depiction settings of this match have been conveyed to you!! By the way, do you know the game "Rumble Rose"? I combine the fight style of Rumble Rose's main character "Reiko Hinomoto" with baby face (kasumi) and heel (ayane) with their own fight style to make it look like a professional wrestling match. I made it. This time, I focused on ayane's technical footwork. I expressed the aesthetics of baby face, which is to win by receiving all the special skills of the opponent. At the same time, I think it is also the idea of ​​"Reiko Hinomoto". However, I didn't want to lose Ayane's strong and beautiful footwork and the rough impression of being a heel wrestler, so this was the content.


If Kasumi couldn't hold the last middle kick, she might have been defeated by Ayane's continuous kicks!


I am sincerely grateful to you. It was my first paid work, so I made it with the settings in mind as much as possible.


It was nice to be able to express the charm of Kasumi. Thank you so much for watching!


D.W.E is based on the image of an entertainment organization to which the DOA6 characters belong. Regarding the overall structure of D.W.E, to be honest, I have not decided everything. Sorry. I'm busy with work right now and my limit is to make one match. That is also the reason why I set it at ¥100. If you receive a lot of feedback, consider a new pricing plan that provides more detailed settings and advance information. Still, it's about ¥200.


下記の記事に対するご返信ありがとうございます。 もちろん、ランブルローズは知っています。プレイステーション2をベースにした傑作レスリングゲームです。 20年以上前のことですが、私はとても楽しく遊びました。 D.W.E.の試合方法が気になったのには理由がある。 私は香澄が一番好きだが,綾音はそんなに好きではない しかし、私はこの映画でロウディ玲子とコラボしたあやねが好きです。 ロウディ玲子に似た綾音さんがこの試合でいなくなったことを少し悲しく思いました。 それで,もし私が言った団体戦やダブルエリミネーショントーナメントなら,もう一度アヤネに会えると思ったので,この質問をしました。


私はあなたの考えに感心します。 D.W.Eがレスリングをベースにしていて、DOAキャラクターをそのまま作成すれば、D.W.Eの最終的な勝者はほぼ決まっていると思います。 将来どんなキャラクターが出てくるのかわかりませんが… プロレスベースのキャラクター、ティナ・アームストロング、ラ・マリー・ポサ、ホノカが圧倒的なアドバンテージを持っています。 他の忍者キャラクター(かすみ、あやね、もみじ)やヘレナ、ひとみ、レイファンなどのキャラクターは、プロレスのキャラクターに出会うと惨めに倒されるように構成されています。 ですから、ある程度マッチさせるために、ランブルローズのキャラクターとコラボするのはとてもいい考えだと思います。


あやねちゃん…負けちゃったか。 でも、よかったです!!


いつもありがとうございます! とても魅力的なキャラクターなので、なんらかの形でまたメインプログラムに登場していただこうかなと考えております!


it was amazing. Usually I don't subscribe to any paid work but your post are amazing and you showed great dedication to work and make best quality. I do make poses sometimes so I appreciate difficulty and quality of your work.


amazing fight :) thanks a lot. Please next time make Kasumi lose; she looks much more better when she is the loser :)