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Hey guys!

Guess who came back delivering something totally different from what you were waiting for, right?

That's me :)

I hope you enjoy this little scene of our dear Chi-chi having her needs met by a certain charismatic World Champion, making his debut here.

I know, I know, you wanted to see Cheelai's series. By my calculations, 2 or 3 scenes of 5 takes on average each. You can see that there is still some material to finish. Sorry.

This is why I don't like posting WIPs. It always generates anxiety for me and frustration for those who are waiting for it. Cheelai will be released soon. It's not "in the fridge" like others, much less abandoned in the "cemetery" like others too.

I have another series well under way with Fubuki+Tatsumaki+Saitama from One Punch Man.

This month there's still the April Pinup's post, where I intend to talk a little about my adventure in the world of AI.

I'll also talk about the new patreon requirements for 18+ content creators and the posts I'm (possibly) going to remove from here.

Anyway, a lot to talk about, do and study.

Stay safe, I love you all.

Except you, bastard who is only here to leak my content. I know you are and it's because of you that a lot will change around here.

Link to download The 48 images of this set in 1800p;

Full animation with sound;

HoneySelect Chars and scene cards. (You need HoneySelect 1 to use it)



You can use my character cards and scenes anyway you want, I still own the rights to all of them (not the IP rights to preexisting characters), just credit me as the source if you do happen to post any of my works somewhere. Obviously don't share any of my paid content just in case it needed to be stated, mutual trust and all that.

Thank you very much for the support.




Even if it's not Cheelai, I still enjoyed it! Some Chi-Chi content is still great to see


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