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次の展開が楽しみです。 どんな改造が待っていますかね。


Very nice. Am wondering when, and if, the previous parts will be getting the same alternate translations.




I love the jaw breaking in this one! Thank you for the english translation. Even if its only machine translated it's still helpful for understanding the story. I'm really happy that you're focusing on face modification, I hope she's totally unrecognizable by the time they finish with her! Perhaps every hole on her face just existing to please cocks.


She's already practically unrecognisable. Still, Hear no evil, speak no evil... What's left?


Hopefully, see no evil! Though as fun as removing her eyes might be, it seems a bit of a shame if she never gets to see what happened to her body. So I'm torn on that one. Besides removing her eyes, I still think there's a lot of other modifications that could be made to the face. Retrofitting her mouth and ear holes to please cocks for example.




Why remove the tongue? Why turn her uterus inside out? Why ram a three foot long dildo into her intestines? Why scoop out the insides of her breasts? A lot of the things that have happened to her, so far, wouldn't make her very suitable for 'retro-fitting' as a cock-sleeve. As of this last set, she's ceased being a person. She cannot speak, she cannot hear, several biological processes are impossible... People would still try to use her to deal with their male needs, but clearly there's other plans for her.


That's a good point actually. A lot of her modifications while sexual themed, do go beyond what would be conventionally fuckable. Whatever the plans are for her though I just hope they keep going more extreme with it. If not retrofitting her head to be a set of cock ports they could certainly still ream it out and stuff it with massive dildos. I think you're right and she's more akin to a work of body modification art now than something functionally fuckable. I feel like they're deep enough in it that there's no reason to hold back now.


These things currently make me curious... Firstly, why is there a zipper on the side of her uterus, as well as a port of some kind on the bottom. Second, if you notice, the massive dildo is hollow, and even has a handle on the centre of it's screwed down base. What's meant to go inside there? Thirdly, why are the breast pumps not actually fully set up?





秘密倶楽部 舞花 PIXIV FANBOX支部(黒舞花)

サムネイルや直で見えている画像が、特に今回のように激しかったりすると、運営様からおこられちゃうことがある(経験済)のでこんな感じになってます;ご不便をおかけして申し訳ありません… pdfとかは現在検討中です。 またFantiaのほうではそのまま載せたりしてますが、あちらは過去作閲覧期限があるので一長一短です。それらをあわせてご検討いただけると幸いですm(__)m