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☆Summary for Busy People☆

・FANBOX will continue to publish until alerted.

・I made fantia as a refuge.▶https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/221313

・After a while, review the "format" of the content.





























今後とも何卒よろしくお願いします。m(_ _)m



◆FANBOX will continue to publish until alerted.

Pixiv has informed us of the details of the revised terms and conditions, and we would like to reiterate our circle's future direction.

As for the "prohibited products" that are completely out of the question, roughly speaking, they are "products that meet both conditions" of 1 and 2 below.

1. method of expression

・Live action

・Realistic expressions that are judged to be close to live-action

・Representations that cannot completely dispel concerns that there are actual victims

2. content of expression

・Sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children



・Rape (sexual acts without consent)

・Illegal mutilation of the person or body

・Other expressions that we deem inappropriate.

With respect to the second, there is a conflict. However,as for the first, it has never been and will never be the case, so I will continue to publish it as before.

Nevertheless, it is largely up to the discretion of the management, and if we receive a warning as a "product requiring correction" different from the above, it may be difficult to continue listing the product, so we reserve it as a place of refuge.

※If we receive a warning from management, the article will be unpublished and closed. The only way to repost is to report the corrected one after the fact, so

If you are interested, I would appreciate it if you could keep it at hand.

◆I made fantia as a refuge.

We launched fantia to facilitate a smooth transition in the event that we are no longer able to publish on FANBOX.

In order to ensure a smooth transition when we are no longer able to publish on fanbox, we have also started up fantia.

We are going to publish basically the same contents from this month, but due to the huge amount of modifications in the cover-up process (I have the impression that fantia is a little stricter), the past contents on fanbox will start from "Fairy Girls".

If you are willing to forgive this, we would like to move on.


We also considered "Ci-ien", but decided against it because it would create a mosaic of important areas and would not be compatible with our current content, which we want to focus on details.

If I can think of anything else in the future, I will try to use it in another way.

(Thank you for your advice in the comments. )

◆After a while, review the "format" of the content.

We do not intend to change the content, but we find it difficult to maintain the current format in terms of format.

Therefore, after I finish drawing the "idol sleepover camp" which is my main work now, I will renew the "Character Diagram Book" and integrate it into the "event CG".

The decisive reason is that the current format of the Character Diagram Book is so dependent on FANBOX that it is almost impossible to manage across sites.

However, we would like to focus on event CG, which has received the most positive feedback, in light of the increasing number of other characters and situations we would like to draw in the future.

However, we do not want to completely eliminate the elements of the character catalog, and we would like to keep the bare minimum necessary.

Also, since we are halfway through the process with regard to "Fairy Girls," we hope you will be assured that we will draw out the character catalogs up to the "Idol Sleeping Arc."

We will probably make the transition next spring or so, but since it is still some time away, I will only make a brief report at this time.

If you have any other questions or need a reply, please feel free to contact us via pixiv message or email.

(If you just want to look it over, you can do so in the comments section).

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this long article.

We look forward to working with you in the future.



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