DAY-OFF WEEKLY REPORTS 230907~230913 (Pixiv Fanbox)
◆...Hani-kamu... I won't say. Curse my fate for believing in Illu-. Well, the game itself is, well... the usual thing, so I have no complaints... but it seems that the environment has become a bit difficult to build plugins, so a sight from a studio user? this may not give me any hope for the time being, personally.
◆Production from September 7 to September 13 resulted in 132 animated images and 24 still images! ...It looks like the production volume has increased, but I think overall it's the same as usual because Code Geass's is a lot of a story apngs not the bedscenes.
〇順調 ●ちょっと悩み中 ■停止 ▼アイデア枯渇中 ★月間目標
〇Smooth ●A little worried ■Stopped▼Running out of ideas ★Monthly goals
〇アマガミNTR!:響編 響のエロシーンが続きます。
〇AMAGAMI NTR HIBIKI Hibiki's sole bedscene continues.
〇魔女の献身 この流れでのエッチが続きますねぇ…お労しやC.C.殿…
〇CODEGEASS bedscenes continues...
〇ありうべからず今を見ろ 次回で話が動き出すはず…です。上手く行かなかったらエミリアのエッチがもうちょっと続くかも?
〇Re:Zero The story should start moving in the next issue.... If I stucked, maybe Emilia's sex will continue a little longer?
〇ToNTRる 唯のエロシーンが続きます。2ポスト程度?
〇ToLOVERu Yui's bedscene continues... around 2 posts?
●FENTR GRIDMANのエンディング製作が終わったら取り掛かるかも。
●FENTR I might start working on DAY10 after I finish making the GRIDMAN's ending.
★●GRIDMANのエンディング製作 今日の作業で全体の20~25%程度の調子ですね。これう~んテキストが多くて中々作業速度が出ないのですよ。英語の翻訳もありまして、リゼロと似たような作業時間になってますね。これは…多分9月中に終わらせるのは無理かも知れません。取り合えず頑張って見ます。
★●GRIDMAN's ENDING I think I've done 20-25% / 100% on today's work. I'm having a hard time working on this at a reasonable speed because of the large amount of text. There is English translation-which I am not good at-, so the work time is similar to that of Re:zero's. So I may not be able to finish it by the end of September. Well, anyway I will do my best.
作り貯めを用意しよう! 現在0日分の作り貯めを用意できています。
Let's prepare the reserve! I currently have 0 day's reserve available.
Today's day-off consumed on making GRIDMAN's Ending(WIP 20~25% done).
SAOを感想する。 ........
Watch SAO .........
バイト探し 今ちょっと悩んでおりまして…バイトを探すべきか、FANBOXに集中するべきかどっちを選んだら良いのか迷っています。
Looking for a part-time job: Agony... I'm having a little struggle right now... I'm not sure if I should look for a part-time job or concentrate on my Fanbox activities...
Then everyone, See you tomorrow❤