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ふぃぃぃ…今日も頑張った!…はず!結構難易度の高いシーンだらけでしたけど、以前よりはるかに早く仕上げている…オイラは成長しているのだ!…その割にはあんまパっとしてはいない感が… 後ちょっとくどいかもですが唯のシーンはもうちょっと続くのです… それでは皆様、新しい一週間、またもどうかよろしくお願いします❤




Good work again! 🙂 So, Yui's scene will continue to next post too? Any idea when will Haruna's turn will come? 🤔


Yui's scene continues little more. 2 or 3 maybe? Bread dough does not become bread if it is not cooked. You don't want to eat a bread dough because you're in a hurry, right?😅Haruna's part has a destructive plot, and if I reduce Yui's part now and hastily move on to Haruna's part, even Haruna's part will be reduced in consideration of equality between characters. You don't want that, do you? 😁Please calm down and wait.