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◆It's hot in the daytime, but you have to put your blanket on at night...! September has begun! This is the first weekly report of the September! Thank you all for your support!


The production results from August 31st to September 6th were 128 animated images and 26 still images! It's been cool this week, so my production rate is a little higher than in August! In terms of numbers, there are plus 26 still images, but honestly, just because they are still images doesn't mean it's easier to produce... Well, but they do not need encoding, so actually the work itself takes less time with still images. If I calculate the work time, it should probably add up to about 8 to 12 images if they was animated. Beside, unfortunately, I spent a lot of time to squeeze ideas for the CodeGeass #14, used up all the reserves I had... so maybe increased production was just a plus because the reserves I spent...?


〇順調 ●ちょっと悩み中 ■停止 ▼アイデア枯渇中 ★月間目標

〇Smooth ●A little worried ■Stopped▼Running out of ideas ★Monthly goals

〇アマガミNTR!:響編 響のエロシーンが続きます。

〇AMAGAMI NTR HIBIKI Hibiki's sole bedscene continues.

〇魔女の献身 ちょっと悩んでいます。このままエッチに持って行くかもっとこのスパイっぽいシーンをやるべきか。

〇CODEGEASS I am wondering if I should work more on the spy things, or just go directly into the bedscene...

■カノカリNTR妄想・EXTRA 一時的に中断するつもりです。特に反応も無かったので一か月ほど?

■KANOKARI There's no reactions, so temporary halted. maybe a month?

〇ありうべからず今を見ろ エミリアのエッチが続きますね。まぁちょっとヒントを出してからリゼロの『アレ』をやりたいのですが…もっと地均しをして置くべきか?とも思ったり…

〇Re:Zero Emilia's bedscene continues. after I put some foreshadow, I'll do that 『gimmick』 of the Re:Zero. ...but also I am wondering if I should put more foreshadow? currently.

〇ToNTRる 唯のエロシーンが続きます。

〇ToLOVERu Yui's bedscene continues...

●FENTR  GRIDMANのエンディング製作が終わったら取り掛かります。

●FENTR  After I finish making the GRIDMAN's ending, I'll get into DAY10.

★〇GRIDMANのエンディング製作 スクリプトを完成しました。後はこれに乗っ取り作れば良いだけですね。既に作って置いたのが22枚で、スクリプトに書いたのが120枚程の予定で…でも追加があるだろうから多分スクリプト通りに作業が進んだ場合最大150枚以内で終わるはず。えっと…一日20枚~30枚なら5日分か。今月中に仕上げるには休日だけの作業では駄目だなこりゃ。いやスクリプトでテキストは完成してるし、シーンも何か会話のやり取りが多いからそこまで時間が掛からないかも知れませんね…とにかく来週の休日に作業を続けて見て調子を計って見ます。

★〇GRIDMAN's ENDING I have completed the script. All that's left to do is create actual scenes according to the script. I have already made and placed 22 images, and the script has about 120 images planned...but there will probably be additions, so if the work progresses according to the script, I should be able to finish with a maximum of 150 images. Um... 20 to 30 images a day is 5 days worth. so this is not enough when I work on day-off only... Well, but the text is already completed in the script, and there are a lot of scenes with small dialogue, so it might not take that long... Anyway, I'll continue working on it next week day off and check the making pace.


作り貯めを用意しよう! 現在0日分の作り貯めを用意できています。

Let's prepare the reserve! I currently have 0 day's reserve available.



2 consumed to CODEGEASS #14, Today's day-off consumed on making GRIDMAN's Ending(WIP).

SAOを感想する。  Dメイルを打って…過去を変えるんだ…!オイラがSAOを視聴している世界線に…!確信したッ!俺がSAOを見る手段はそれしかない…!先ずは電子レンジを買わないと!

Watch SAO  Let's send a D-Mail... and change the past...! to the Divergence which I already watched the SAO...! This is maybe the only option I can watch SAO...! First, I have to buy a microwave oven!

バイト探し 最悪10月から始めないとイケないのでちょっと良さげなの探しておかないと…

Looking for a part-time job At worst, I have to start a part-time job in October, so I have to look for the place that little better...


Then everyone, see youl tomorrow❤ I hope you enjoy my works in september!



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