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◆August has already passed the middle half... I have to do my best not to become the declaration of 『If I can't complete FENTR's DAY9 in August, I will only focus to make FENTR in September』 ...Anyway, I think DAY9 is about 65% complete now… I wonder if it will be in time… I have no choice but to shut up and do my best…!


From August 11th to 16th, the production results were 114 animated images and 31 stopped images! Well, this week is also the same as usual. To tell the truth, in early August, the leaving of supporters was a little noticeable... it's quite number so I was worried that I might lose my motivation and the burn out may came... Well but it's the life that good things don't always continues, right? I personally think that in July and August, I tried harder and harder to work through the extreme heat(it was extreme...no kiddings.), and I am confident that I have not produced any embarrassing results for you in terms of amounts and quality....I think the reason why the supporters left is probably because the Gridman series and ToLOVE-ru series are over. Well, since ToLOVE-Ru's next series has started, it should be okay... I hope.


◆I'm thinking about how to handle text. I'd like to hear your opinion on how to use the texts I used in Rezero #3. I will do the other series as before, but since Re:zero series has decided to use more text from the beginning, I prepared a separate text using blog post so that it doesn't interfere with the picture of the image + for easy machine translation. Ah... but if the text in the image is used as a decoration, I think I will write it in the image. For example, I think it would be better if the image was filled with text when Echidna blah-blah-ing explanations.


アマガミNTR!:響編 ヒビキ・イン・アクション!響ちゃんのパワフルなエッチが始まりますね!やったね響ちゃん!

AMAGAMI NTR HIBIKI Hibiki in the actions! Hibiki-chan's powerful sex begun! Yeay Hibiki-chan!

魔女の献身 医者のエッチが続きますね…計画とはちょっと違いますがまぁ…まぁこれから元のプロットに繋げれば良いと思います。

CODEGEASS The doc's scene continues... this was not on the original plan I had but... well, I think I can fuze this on the original plot.

カノカリNTR妄想・EXTRA …これ、どう転がしたらいいんだ…ちょっと分からなくなっていますが、まぁ次もエッチの続きだから心配はないはず。

KANOKARI No idea what's going on... but well, next is just continued bed-scene. so no worries maybe.

ありうべからず今を見ろ ラムさんが基本的な体位を実演してくれるんですよ!

Re:Zero Ram sensei will do the lesson for basic positions...!

ToNTRる 次の打席に立つのは…!古手川選手だぁッ!

ToLOVERu Next hitter is...! Ms. Kotegawa!!!

FENTR  明日はToLOVEるかアマガミを作業する予定でして、そっちに手が動いたらFENTRの方は作り貯めになりますね。それが出来なかった場合は今日作ったFENTRをアップロードする事になりますね。

FENTR  Tomorrow I'll work on ToLOVE-ru or AMAGAMI, so if I could finish them, FENTR I finished today is go to the reserve. if I failed to focus on ToLOVE-ru or AMAGAMI, FENTR will be uploaded tomorrow.


作り貯めを用意しよう! 現在2日分の作り貯めを用意できています。

Let's prepare the reserve! I currently have 2 day's reserve available.



〇FENTR DAY9の完成  今月第一の目標です。なのでサイクルを無視してFENTRの方がアップロードされる時もあるでしょう。

〇FINISH FENTR DAY9 MAIN TARGET of this month. so FENTR may produced and uploaded ignoring the usual series-orders.

〇グリッドマンシリーズのエンディング製作   そろそろ作業しないと…でも今は色んなシリーズが詰め寄っててこれに手を付けて良いのかって状態になってるかも…

〇The ending production of the Gridman series   I have to work on this as soon as possible. but I am very busy on making several series nowdays, so I wonder if I can focus onto this...

〇SAOを感想する。  ……本当に無理なのでは?時間が無さ過ぎる…

〇Watch SAO  ..........is this possible? No time to spare...


Thank you everyone, Please watch my works tomorrow too!




リゼロのテキストに関してですが、最新の投稿のようにブログポストがいちばん良い気がしました。イラストも見やすいですし、もし仮にテキスト読みたくない人でもスルーしやすいので丸いかなぁと思いました(あと、エキドナの演出に関しては僕も同意です!) いつもエッチなNTRをありがとうございます。制作応援しております…‼︎

