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◆Typhoon is coming... Let's all take proper measures to minimize the damage.... I heard that typhoons are coming to China and Korea. Please take precautions against typhoons...


◆태풍이 오고 있네요...여러분도 제대로 대책을 세워 피해를 최소화합시다...중국이나 한국에도 태풍이 오고 있는 것으로 알고 있습니다.부디 여러분도 태풍 대책에는 게을리하지 않도록...



From August 3rd to August 10th, the production result was 115 animated images and 56 stopped images! APNG is at its usual pace, and this time There's a lot on the still images at Re: Zero's #2. Well... I intentionally used a lot of text for Lizero for creating an atmosphere in this introduction, so I even spent my reserves. but now I don't think there are many situations where I rely on text from #3.


アマガミNTR!:響編 これからはエロが中心になりますのでギャグは抑えたいですね…しかしはるかと純一のキャラとしての位置がぁ…

AMAGAMI NTR HIBIKI H-scenes begun. so less gag now on but the positions as characters, I don't know how Haruka and Junichi moves.

魔女の献身 新しい竿役の出番ですが、この男のエロはちょっと後になります。先ずは顔出しだけ。

CODEGEASS New guy's entry, but this guy's H-scene will be later on. just introducing him in the next post.

カノカリNTR妄想・EXTRA このシリーズはそろそろ〆ないといけませんね…しかしどうなるやら。

KANOKARI I'm thinking I should finish this series... but I don't know how's it end... need more ideas maybe.

ありうべからず今を見ろ 次はラムのエロに続きます。ちょっとエロに集中してテキストは抑えるつもりです。

Re:Zero Ram's h-scene next post and maybe 1 more post? this time I want to focus on eroticism so I'll use less text this time.

ToNTRる 次のシリーズを明日アップロード出来ると思います。

ToLOVERu The first post of next series will be post tomorrow.

FENTR  まぁ今のところ順調だとは思います…今のプロットの通りに作業が出来るなら今月中に仕上げる事が出来ると思います。

FENTR  if I can maintain the current production pace, I think I can finish DAY9 in the August...


作り貯めを用意しよう! 現在2日分の作り貯めを用意できています。

Let's prepare the reserve! I currently have 2 day's reserve available.




Consumed 2 days of reserve to produce Re:Zero #2 and ToLove-Ru's New series #1

★FENTR DAY9の完成  今月第一の目標です。なのでサイクルを無視してFENTRの方がアップロードされる時もあるでしょう。

★FINISH FENTR DAY9 MAIN TARGET of this month. so FENTR may produced and uploaded ignoring the usual series-orders.

◎グリッドマンシリーズのエンディング製作  そろそろ気温の方は大丈夫になるはずですが、今はちょっと忙しくて何時作業再開出来るかは…

◎The ending production of the Gridman series I think the temperature will be fine for the work soon, but currently I am very busy so I can't say clearly when I can start work on the ending of SSSS.GRIDMAN series.


―Watch SAO  


The new series of ToLOVE-Ru was really hard because I was stuck with ideas, but I'm relieved that I finally managed get it done somehow. I'm the type of person who can't make erotic stories that don't match the mood of the original work, so usually that's the hardest part when thinking about a new series. If I can make thing just about the sex, maybe everyone will be enjoy it lightly and easily, and I think that's the best... but as a creator I think the probability is very important, and that leads my motivations, so I cannot avoid establishing the probabilities. By the way, I can say that FENTR's production is going well so far for now, so I'd like to continue with this pace in August. No matter what, I'll finish FENTR's DAY9 in August!


Have a good day, Everyone❤

◎23-08-16 fixed …計算ミスを修正しました………オイラ、小学生以下? fixed the number of total production amounts... I forget add one post.



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