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◆August has begun! My creative activities have already been over half a year, and I'm getting used to the work and I realize my creative speed is increasing! Let's keep going like this and continue through August! Then, let's take a look at the results of this week's activities!


From July 27th to August 2nd, the production results were 91 animated images and 21 stop images! This week, July 31st was a day-off, so there are only 5 posts... But if when I have a lot of reserve ready and I would like to upload extra post on day-off if the reserve exceeds one cycle of their series, so maybe I can post it on the day fo monthly results from next month.


アマガミNTR!:響編 本番が始まります。でもう~んまたちょっとギャグ入れるしか無いというか…この、はるかと純一のキャラとしての位置がですねぇ…どうしてもギャグ以外には役に立たないと言うか😅まぁなるようになるでしょう。

AMAGAMI NTR HIBIKI  Actual intercourse will begin. Well, I have no choice but to add a bit of gag again... the position as a character of Haruka and Junichi... it's useless except for gag at this time 😅 well, I'll let them flow.

魔女の献身 医者とのエッチは短めに終わらせるつもりなので早ければ次のポストで終わると思います。

CODEGEASS the Doc's part will be short, maybe 1 or 2 posts to the end of his part.

カノカリNTR妄想・EXTRA 今度はネタが浮かばなくて簡単な話になりました。このパートは多分何の変哲もなくエッチだけで終わると思います。後2ポストくらい?

KANOKARI This time, I couldn't think of any special ideas, so it became a simple story. I think this part will probably end with nothing but sex. About two more posts?

ありうべからず今を見ろ 次はどうしてあんな事になったのかを説明する為のシーンになりますので、多分エロの比重は低いと思います…これどうしよう…作り貯め使って2日位作業してエッチシーンを強引に持って来るか?と悩んだりしてます。後このシリーズは自分が原作小説のファンなので(アニメも好きです)、なるべくテキストを使った作りにしようと思っています。今悩んでるのはテキスト無し版を別に用意するべきか?と言う事ですね…日本語とも英語とも親しくない方々の為の配慮を考えないと…

Re:Zero Next is a scene to explain why that happened, so I think the proportion of eros is probably low... What should I do with this... Should I work on it for about two days using the reserve, and forcefully bring in the bed-scenes? ...thinking... Also, I am a fan of the original novel (I also like anime), so I am thinking of making this series using text as much as possible. What I'm worried about now is whether I should prepare a text-cleaned version? I have to think about consideration for those who are not familiar with both Japanese and English...

ToNTRる これはう~んネタを絞れば絞る程…こう…どうしたら良いか分からなくなってる状態になっています…ToLOVEるのキャラってやっぱり寝取られ向きではないんだよなぁ…特にララが問題になりますね…ララちゃんは原作では超人だからどうしてもNTRに持って行く方法が限られてしまいますから…まぁ…なんとかするしかないんですが。8月2週から始める事を目指していますが、どうなるか分かりませんね…

ToLOVERu The more I squeeze down the ideas, I stuck more... ...I guess ToLOVEru's characters are not suitable for NTR... and Lara is especially a problem... Lara-chan is superhuman in the original book, so the way to bring her to NTR is somehow very limited... Well... I have no choice but to do something about it somehow. I'm aiming to start from August 2nd, but I don't know what will happen...

古見さんは、交尾中です 続きのポストが作り貯めとして用意されています。古見さんは一応これで終わりなのですがまぁ…反応を見て続けるかどうか決めようと思います。古見さんのあれはコメントは無かったのですが妙にいいねをよく押されるので反応が良いのか悪いのかいまいち分からないのです…

KOMI-san has CUMmunication disorder the next part post are prepared as a reserve. and that's maybe all for Komi-san series for now, but... I'll decide whether to continue or not after seeing your reaction. I didn't have any comments on the Komi's series, but I don't know if the response is good or bad because there's no comments but about the likes, the response was quite good.

FENTR  DAY9の製作に入りました。とにかく余計な事を考えずにエロだけで行こう!と思いましたので。こうなったら製作途中さじがどう飛ぶか分からないから怖いのですが、何もしないよりはマシですよね。頼むよ…詰まらないでくれ…

FENTR I start working on DAY9. Anyway, let's not think about unnecessary things and just go with eros. and with this methos of production, I'm little scared because I don't know where the spoon will fly during production, but it's better than doing nothing. Please... Don't be stuck, dear FENTR...


作り貯めを用意しよう! 現在3日分の作り貯めを用意できています。

Let's prepare the reserve! I currently have 3 day's reserve available.



纏めポストを用意する  あッ…これ今日やるつもりでいたんだけど作り貯め作ってて忘れてた…カァッ…!い、今から取り掛かって見よう…!

Prepare a collection post  ARGH...! I was going to do this today, but I forgot it! busy making the reserve...! Oh my gosh! Let's get started now...!

ToNTRるのアイデア絞り  何としても8月2週から始められるようにしないと…

ToNTR-Ru's Idea Narrowing  I have to be able to start from the 2nd week of August...

グリッドマンシリーズのエンディング製作  もうちょっと涼しくなったら…

The ending production of the Gridman series If summer gets a little cooler...

SAOを感想する。  当分出来そうにありませんね。でもリストアップして置かないと忘れたりとかするので。

Watch SAO  I don't think I can do it for the now. But if I don't list it down, I might forget it...


●This is the end of this week's activity report. Regarding the production of FENTR DAY9, which was the biggest concern of July, I think it was possible to take a breathe anyway because I started production yesterday. However, the most important thing in the main project is the degree of completion, so I don't know what kind of difficulties will be waiting for the production from now on. To push myself, at the end of the monthly result post in July I declared that I would take a month off if I couldn't complete FENTR DAY9, so this issue has become a very important issue for me---living expenses at stake! So the production priority of FENTR DAY9 will be very high and I'll put it into FENTR's production without hesistation when I get my mojo or idea on DAY9, so in some cases I might be posting FENTR for days in a row. well, I think I have some reserve so I can use them to avoid FENTR in a row, but if in that case, I'm very sorry to those who are looking forward to another series. I ask for your understanding.


Thank you everyone, and let me thank you through my works this August❤



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