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23年7月の決算! RESULTS for 23 July



◆Thank you, everyone! With your kindness and generosity, I was able to spend half a year doing creative activities until July of this month! Thanks to everyone's support and encouragement, I was able to continue my happy life every day for half a year! Thank you so much! I swear I will continue to repay you for your kindness as my life's second task! Of course, the first task is to create a work that I can be satisfied with myself! As a result of that, I think that's the best thing I can do for you everyone! I want to say thank you again... Thank you so much! Thank you for your continued support❤

◆谢谢大家! 由于你的厚道和慷慨,我花了半年时间从事创作活动,直到这个月的七月! 多亏了大家的支持和鼓励,我才能在半年的时间里每天都过上幸福的生活! 太感谢你了! 我发誓,我会继续报答你的好意,作为我一生的第二项任务! 当然,第一项任务就是创作一部能让我自己满意的作品! 因此,我想这是我能为你们做的最好的事情了。 我想再次说声谢谢... 太感谢你了! 感谢您一直以来的支持❤

◆감사합니다, 여러분! 여러분의 친절과 관대함 덕분에 저는 이번 달 7월까지 반년 동안 창작 활동을 할 수 있었습니다! 모두의 응원과 격려 덕분에 반년 동안 매일 행복한 삶을 이어갈 수 있었습니다! 정말 감사합니다! 앞으로도 제 인생의 두 번째 과제로 여러분의 친절에 보답할 것을 맹세합니다! 물론, 첫 번째 과제는 저 자신에게 만족할 수 있는 작품을 만드는 것입니다! 그 결과, 여러분을 위해 제가 할 수 있는 최선이라고 생각합니다! 다시 한번 감사하다는 말을 전하고 싶습니다! 계속해서 감사합니다❤

◆謝謝大家! 由於你的厚道和慷慨,我花了半年時間從事創作活動,直到這個月的七月! 多虧了大家的支持和鼓勵,我才能在半年的時間裏每天都過上幸福的生活! 太感謝你了! 我發誓,我會繼續報答你的好意,作爲我一生的第二項任務! 當然,第一項任務就是創作一部能讓我自己滿意的作品! 因此,我想這是我能爲你們做的最好的事情了。 我想再次說聲謝謝... 太感謝你了! 感謝您一直以來的支持❤


◆Then, I will report the results of my activities in July. The text will only be in Japanese and English. I will make English sentences as simple as possible, so if you are not familiar with Japanese, please use Google Translation.

◆那么,我会报告7月份的活动结果。 案文只有日文和英文。 我会尽量简单地使用英语文章,如果不熟悉日语的话,请使用谷歌翻译。

◆그럼 7월에 활동 결과 보고 드리겠습니다. 본문은 일본어와 영어로만 되어 있습니다. 영어 문장은 최대한 간단하게 만들 테니 일본어가 익숙하지 않다면 구글 번역을 이용해주세요.

◆那麼,我會報告7月份的活動結果。 案文只有日文和英文。 我會盡量簡單地使用英語文章,如果不熟悉日語的話,請使用谷歌翻譯。

2. RESULTS OF JULY/23 7月の制作結果


◆This is already on the weekly reports, so I will summarize it briefly.


◆During July, I was able to produce a total of 547 animated images and 68 stopped images. This turned out to be a betrayal of my expectation in good way that the heat would make me fall! It was really hot and hard, but I tried to insist, 『I'll work harder and dare to exceed your and my own expectations! Challenge accepted!』 Thanks to that, 『I finished 15 apng during the burning yesterday, and it's a little cooler today, so I'm going to do more!』 I succeeded in ending July while maintaining my mentality! I think I can proudly say to everyone, "I did my best!"

2.5. RESULTS OF HALF A YEAR! 半年間の製作結果


To summarize the results of the production for half a year,

---------APNG ---------PNG

2月 570

3月 741

4月 408 + 72

5月 535 + 82

6月 538 + 53

7月 547 + 68

   3339 + 275


◆That's the result, isn't it...Well...I, um... I... heh, at this rate, I wonder if I'll be producing about 20 animated images a day...! and more than 80% of them are erotic images... I guess it's the level that make people in general take aback from me😅...


◆To explain this roughly, February and March, when I worked hard on FANBOX for the first time with very high motivation, so I worked more than 14 hours a day, so the results were amazing. but it was taken away urgently because of the reaction of overwork... The chronic diseases I have such as heart and blood vessels act as counter-attack on my overwork. and the my health problem is came from heart and blood vessels, so I'm usually quite good at summer because of it's high temperature😆, but on the other hand, when it's cold... I sleep worrying about whether I'll be alive or not when I awake😅. Anyway, I tried my best to recover my condition with medicine, exercise and dietary restrictions. From May when the temperature rose, I succeeded in increasing production while taking care of myself. I hope to maintain this pace in August!


◆…誠に申し訳ございません…またしても月間のメインプロジェクト作業が0になってしまいました…DAILYPOSTがもはやメインプロジェクトレベルまで成長している事と、私もこじんまりした人間なのでこう…反応が良い作品に手が動いてしまうのです…しかしメインプロジェクトの完成は私が一番に目指すべき事なので、もし8月にもメインプロジェクトに集中出来なかったら、1か月を丸休みしてその間はメインプロジェクトの仕上げだけを試みるつもりです。このまま皆様との約束をないがしろにしてしまう事は決してあってはならない事です。もはや自分の稼ぎなど心配している場合ではないと思いますので、8月にFENTR DAY9を完成出来なかった場合、9月か10月は丸一か月DAILYPOSTを休んでFENTRの完成だけを考えます。その時は皆様のご支援を無駄にしない為に事前にお知らせ致しますので、自動振込の皆様にはお気を付けて頂ければと。

◆…I am very sorry…Once again, the monthly main project work has become 0…DAILYPOST has already grown to the main project level, and I am also a small person, I focused the works that responds well... But my main goal is to complete the main project, so if I can't concentrate on the main project in August, I'll take a full month off and do the main project during that time only going to try to finish FENTR. I must never neglect my own promises with everyone like this. If I don't keep my promise, I will lose your trust, and the fact that I make more money by focusing on popular works will be worth nothing. so if I can't complete FENTR DAY 9 in August, I'll take a month off from DAILYPOST in September or October and just think only about completing FENTR. At that time, I will inform you in advance so that you can stop the supports and your support will not be wasted, so please be careful of automatic transfer, and please check weekly reports for the news.


◆DAILYPOSTの詳細なご報告はWEEKLY REPORTSでやっておりますので、ここでは8月のDAILYPOSTに関してちょっとお話しようかと。

◆The detailed report of DAILYPOST is done at WEEKLY REPORTS, so I would like to talk a little bit about DAILYPOST in August.

Re:Zero 先ずは今RE:Zeroの二次創作を1話完成しておりまして、このシリーズは8月から直ぐにでも始める事が出来ます。8月3日になるかな?

Re:Zero First of all, I have completed the first episode of RE:Zero series, and this series can start in August asap. on 23/08/03 maybe?

SSSS.GRIDMAN エンディング製作に取り掛かってはいたのですが、暑さのせいで真面に作業出来ておりません。…エンディングでは、あの…例の…エージェントさんが登場するのですが…このアクターはかなりGPUを虐める方なので…😅PCの発熱が凄い事になってしまい、この暑さの中で作業を続けていくのは到底無理だと思います…なので最悪の場合9月に公開する事になるかも知れません…

SSSS.GRIDMAN I have been working on the production of SSSS.GRIDMAN series's ending, but due to the heat, I have not been able to work properly. In the ending, the... *agent* appears... and this actor is a very GPU-torturing person...😅 my PC's fever is so bad that I don't think it's possible to continue working in this burning summer days... so at worst, it might be released in September...

CODEGEASS これはもう次の話が準備されているので当分の間は話が詰まる事が無いと思います。一番難しかったのはやっぱりルルーシュのキャラカードを自作する事だったのですが、7月から始めた休日を使い、作り貯めを消費して1日間で何とか準備する事が出来ました。これで多分…エンディングに辿り着くまで小アイデア枯渇以外では大した問題は無いはず…だと思いますけれど創作って何時何処で躓くか分かったモノではありませんから…😅

CODEGEASS The next story is already being prepared, so I don't think I'll be stuck for the time being. The most difficult part was to make my own Lelouch character card, but I managed to prepare it in one day by consuming my reserve. thanks to the day-off I started in this month. I think this will probably...there will be no big problem except for the depletion of small ideas until we reach the ending... but creation doesn't know when and where to fail...😅

ToLOVEる このシリーズは8月から始めるつもりですけれど、今悩んでいるのは女の子一人一人にフォーカスを合わせるか、それとも前のシリーズの様に皆で進めるかをちょっと悩んでいますね…自分的には前の繰り返しになる事は避けたいのでなるべく一人に集中した作りにしてみたいとも思いますが…これを悩んでいるのでToLOVEるの次作は8月2週くらいからになるかも知れません。どれが良いかご意見を頂けたら宜しいのですが…どうぞコメントを❤

ToLOVERu I'm planning to start this series in August, but what I'm worried about now is whether to focus on each girl or proceed with everyone like the previous series... I don't want to repeat style of forework myself, so I'd like to focus on one person as much as possible, but your oppinion is very important, right? so please feedback❤

3. CURRENT Problem


◆Completion of the main project is my first goal, so as I said, if FENTR's DAY9 is not completed in August, I will completely stop DAILYPOST for a month or more and concentrate all my time on completing FENTR's DAY9 and 10. Actually, there are about 10 supporters who are aiming for FENTR now, this is small for whole supporters, but I don't want to cancel or delay the main project because it's not popular among all supporters! so I will think about completing FENTR after throwing away my household account book.

DAILYPOSTのアイデア絞り これは今の所休日に作り貯めを用意しているのでいざとなればそれらを使います。これも何れは限界が来るだろうけれども多分冬になるまでは何とかやり繰り出来ると思いますね。

DAILYPOST Ideas Narrowing This is for now, I have made and saved reserves on day-off, so I will use them when it comes to the crunch. I think I'll be able to make things okay until about winter comes.

纏めポストの製作 ポストの種類が多すぎて読みづらいとのフィードバック頂きましたので、完結したシリーズをハイパーリンクで纏めたポストを用意してみようかと思います。私のポストのタグは日本語なので外国の皆様には配慮が足りませんでしたね…実はポストごとのタグをクリックすればそのタグの付いているポストのみ見る事が出来ますね。私は大体3度目のタグで作品名を付けているので纏めポストが用意出来るまではこの機能をどうぞご利用して頂ければと思います。

Making Completion post I received feedback that there are too many types of post to read, so I'm thinking of preparing a post that summarizes the completed series using hyperlinks. The tag on my post is in Japanese, so it wasn't enough consideration for foreigners... For now, if you click on each tag, you can only see the post with that tag. I usually use the third tag to the original work, so please use this function until a collective post is ready.



◆According to my creative tendency until now, burnout usually comes in summer. but since I started FANBOX, thanks to everyone's support and comments, I'm in a state of great motivation now! Thanks to everyone! Considering the work I am preparing now, I think there will be no worries about burnout for the time being. What should I hide...! I'm a man who has achieved his creative activities despite the intense heat of July! I didn't lose in those hot days, so I can't be burned-out so easily! Yes! ...It's supposed to be... right?



◆Thanks to everyone, I was able to spend half a year doing creative activities and it's like having fun for me! Of course, there were times when I thought it was a little hard because I couldn't come up with ideas and didn't have enough time to work on housework, but I was able to concentrate on my creation so much that I never thought it was hard! You found value in my work and it drives force behind all my activities, and the every road I walk now is the road YOU have prepared for me!!! I will never forget your kindness and I swear I'll try hard every day to create works that meet your expectations! Thank you!

◆多亏了大家,我花了半年时间做创作活动,这对我来说就像玩得很开心! 当然,也有过因为想不出点子,没有时间做家务而觉得有点累的时候,但没想到会这么专注于创作! 你在我的工作中找到了价值,它推动了我所有活动的动力,我现在走过的每一条路都是你为我准备的道路!!! 我永远都不会忘记你的好意,我发誓我会每天努力创作符合你期望的作品! 谢谢!

◆여러분 덕분에 저는 반년 동안 창의적인 활동을 할 수 있었고, 그것은 저에게 즐거움을 갖는 것과 같습니다! 물론 아이디어도 내지 못하고 집안일을 할 시간도 부족해서 조금 힘들었다고 생각할 때도 있었지만, 저는 창작에 너무 집중할 수 있어서 힘들 것이라고 생각한 적이 없었습니다! 여러분은 저의 일에서 가치를 찾았고, 그것은 저의 모든 활동의 원동력이 되고, 지금 제가 걸어가는 모든 길은 여러분이 저를 위해 준비한 길입니다!!! 여러분의 친절을 절대 잊지 않을 것이고, 여러분의 기대에 부응하는 작품을 만들기 위해 매일 열심히 노력할 것을 맹세합니다! 감사합니다!

◆多虧了大家,我花了半年時間做創作活動,這對我來說就像玩得很開心! 當然,也有過因爲想不出點子,沒有時間做家務而覺得有點累的時候,但沒想到會這麼專注於創作! 你在我的工作中找到了價值,它推動了我所有活動的動力,我現在走過的每一條路都是你爲我準備的道路!!! 我永遠都不會忘記你的好意,我發誓我會每天努力創作符合你期望的作品! 謝謝!



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