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◆Hello everyone! Thanks to all of you, I was able to continue my joyful creative work this week! Thank you! Now I would like to report the results of this week's activities!


The result of my activity from July 20 to 26 was 116 animated images! The first weekly report was the result of two weeks, and the second one has an overwork with Isuzu-chan's pure love story, but I think this week's rate is probably my normal production pace now. I hope to continue at this pace for the rest of the week and into August!


アマガミNTR!:響編 すみません…本番に入るはずだったけれど何かちょっとまた1ポスト分ギャグパートを入れてしまいました…しかしもうこれでこれからはエロに集中出来るはずです…

AMAGAMI NTR Sorry...I was supposed to go into actual sex scenes, but I kinda put in another gag part for another post...but now I should be able to concentrate on erotica from now on...

魔女の献身 …ちょっとしたアイデア枯渇気味ですね。製作に問題を齎す程深刻では無いのですが、竿役同士の関係でちょっと悩んでいます。

CODEGEASS ...I'm a little depleted of ideas on next part of C.C.'s story. It's not serious enough to cause problems in production, but I'm having a bit of trouble with deciding the relationship between the male actors.

ToNTRる 8月になってから新シリーズを作る予定ですが、これもどうしようかと今悩んでいます…

ToLOVERu I will be making a new series of ToLOVERu in August, but I am now wondering what story I can use...

カノカリNTR妄想・EXTRA …何でこれつまっちゃったんだろう…こうなったら無理矢理でも軽いネタで実用性に集中するべきですね。

KANOKARI EXTRA ...I don't know why I got stuck on this one...I should concentrate on practicality with lighter plot, and only focus bed-scenes.

RE:Zero キャラカードは全て準備出来ました。後は背景に凝るべきかちょっと悩んでいますが、8月から始める事が出来ると思っています。

RE:Zero All the character cards are ready. Now I'm a bit worried if I should prepare on the RE:Zero dedicated backgrounds(maps), but I think I can start in August.

SSSS.GRIDMAN エンディング製作は暑さのせいでちょっと遅れるかも知れません。とあるアクターの仕様でPCの発熱が凄くて作業し辛い状態ですね。

SSSS.GRIDMAN Ending production may be a little delayed due to the heat. The PC's heat generation by a certain actor's is making it difficult to work on... hot summer and small room with burning GPU...

ETC FGOのアナスタシアの最後のポストを作り貯めとして用意しています。後は古見さんとAVPark・EXTRAの最終編ですね。

ETC I have the last post of Anastasia in FGO as a reserve. and I think about the final part of AVPark-EXTRA, Komi-san.

FENTR …またまた真に申し訳ありません…アイデア絞るべき事がいっぱいあり過ぎてこっちにも全然手を付けられていません…

FENTR ...again my sincere apologies...I have so many ideas to squeeze in that I haven't gotten around to this one at all...


作り貯めを用意しよう! 現在2日分の作り貯めを用意できています。

Let's prepare the reserve! I currently have 2 day's reserve available.



新作の準備 ToLOVEるの新シリーズを構想しないといけません…考えて置いた物はあるのですが…

Preparation for a new series I have to conceptualize a new series of ToLOVE-ru... I have some plots I've thought before, but... I need some time to detail it.

グリッドマンシリーズのエンディング製作 ちょっとでも涼しい日を選ばないとPCの発熱でちょっと大変ですねぇ…

Making the endings for the Gridman series I have to choose a little cooler day, otherwise the heat generated by my PC will be a little too much...

SAOを感想する。 …これ、多分作り貯め5日分は用意しないと多分出来ませんね…

Watch SAO. ...I probably won't be able to do this unless I have maybe 5+ days of post reserve.

★報告するべき問題 Issues to be reported


●Looming the ideas for various series is my biggest problem right now. I have been cycling through the series, but I feel that I am reaching a plateau, and if this becomes a chronic problem, I may need to take a long break. First of all, I'm going to continue working on my day off and prepare a lot of reserve posts, and then try to refresh myself by taking a long rest while using it, but if I feel that I have reached my limit and need to catch my breath, I will take a full month off. In that case, I will use newsletters and public posts to notify you so that you can stop supporting me in advance so that your support will not go to waste.


●Problem: I'm too far behind on my main project, FENTR... I guess I have to put in a lot of time and concentration to finish FENTR in order to get it right...


●Problem: Because the main project is delayed, I'm also behind in the release of the works I mentioned before... FSNNTR, DxDNTR, STBNTR... The amount of work I'm preparing for these is so large that I want to start working on them as soon as possible, but...


So, here's the report for this week! I have no problem with working on Koikatsu and finishing H-scene itself, and in fact, the production speed itself is going very well right now, thanks to the daily work I've been doing for the past six months cause improvement in my skills at Koikatsu Studio... but the problem is that my idea-squeezing doesn't match this production speed... I think I should prepare several series of erotic works without storylines...but... my nature... ...in the end... I just end up wanting to include storylines, you know...😅 Ehem, I'd like to thank you all for your continued support during this last week of July! See you tomorrow❤



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