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◆Hello everyone! Today is my second holiday! I didn't post, but I was able to work all day and have a full day's worth of work to make and save! Well, here is a report of this week's activities!


The result of the activities from July 13th to 19th is 155 Animated images! The prayer post on July 18th was something that had to be completed in one day, so the difficulty level of the work was set low and made quickly, so I think the actual work pace is about 15 pages a day! ...It was very hot this week, and it's still hot now, but I think I did a pretty good job...!


CHAT》There were many sad things that happened this month... I was really shocked when ILLUSION went out of business, but I had expected it to some level based on the recent game releases, so I am not that depressed about it. However...the news of the passing of Milan Kundera, my favorite novelist and a great writer overseas, was really painful...I had been waiting for a long, long time for the news of his winning the Novel Prize...I wonder if you would be interested in hearing about it, too. ...Mr. Kundera's "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" is a magnificent work. The title may sound a bit hard to read, but it's not hard at all, and it's an easy read! The story is about a country girl who dreams of the city and falls in love with a cold, handsome doctor from the city, and the two of them make out in a naughty way! Even if you are not familiar with postmodernism, you may wonder "What's the timeline of this?" just regard it as "Oh, this is a narrative trick!" then it will be fun! If you have a chance to read this book, please do so!


アマガミNTR!:響編 もう次からは本番エッチに入ります。これからはギャグは抑えてしっかりエロに集中したいと思います!

AMAGAMI NTR Hibiki's virgin lost begins next post! I'll try to press comedy scene and concentrate on eros!

魔女の献身 まだちょこっと軍人男との濡れ場が続きますね。

CODEGEASS Military guy persist little more posts. maybe 1 or 2.

ToNTRる 来週で終わらせる事が出来そうかも知れないと思っている傾向が無いわけでも無いと言って見たり。

ToLOVERu I hope I can get to the finalle in next week...?

カノカリNTR妄想・EXTRA これは何故かネタが思い付かなくて詰まっている状態ですねぇ…簡単なネタにするべきか悩んでいます。いやぁ…和也君のオナネタですから簡単だと思ってたんだけどなぁ…おっかしいなぁ…

KANOKARI EXTRA For some reason, I can't think of any idea and it's stuck... maybe I should choose a simple plot.

FEでNTR:セリカ編 すみません…暑さとDAILYPOSTの作業と新作のアイデア絞りとグリッドマンのエンディング製作でとてもDAY9を始める事が出来ていません…

FENTR I'm sorry... I haven't been able to start DAY9 because of the heat, DAILYPOST work, gathering new ideas, and Gridman's ending production...


作り貯めを用意しよう! 現在:魔女の献身1ポスト分(22枚) 先週に作った作り貯めは18日の追悼ポストの製作の時間を稼ぐために使ってしまいました…

MAKE RESERVE! Now: 1 post of CODEGEASS(22 APNGs) I used the reserve I made last week to make time for the memorial post on the 18th...

新作の準備 RE:ZeroのエミリアをネタとしたDAILYPOSTの新作を準備中です…キャラカード、背景…色々準備しないとですね。実はプロットとエミリアのカードは準備が整っていたりします。

Preparation for new work I am preparing a new work for DAILYPOST with RE:Zero's Emilia... I need to prepare character cards, backgrounds... I guess I need to prepare a lot of things. even I already made Emilia's card and some scenes.

SAOを感想する。 …アニメ見る時間がないのです…これは…完全に余裕が出来るまでは本当にちょっと無理かも…

WATCH SAO ...I don't have time to watch anime... this is... this might be a little impossible until I'm completely relaxed...

グリッドマンシリーズのエンディング製作 現在アクターは大体準備出来ました。プロットは最初から決めていたので、後は時間を見つけて製作するだけですね。

The ending production of the Gridman series The actors are almost ready now. The plot was decided from the beginning, so all I have to do is find time and make it.


Thank you so much for this week, everyone! with your supports I'll do my best next week too!






謝謝 我會小心中暑的 我只在初期玩過FGO。 因爲我是用無收費玩的,所以Anastasia被接手時覺得不能再用無收費了,所以放棄了遊戲。 所以之後的角色不太清楚。 如果我以FGO爲主題製作作品,可能會成爲像馬修一樣的初期登場的人物。 謝謝,祝您度過愉快的一天!