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Thank you all very much for your support in June! Thanks to your generous support, I was able to continue my creative activities for another month! Now I would like to report on the results of my activities in June. Please take a moment to review the results of your support so you can make decision about the your future support!

非常感谢各位六月份的支持! 多亏了大家的大力支持,我才能再继续一个月的创作活动! 现在我要报告我在6月份的活动成果。 请花点时间回顾一下您的支持结果,以便您对未来的支持做出决定!

6월에 지원해주신 모든 분들께 정말 감사합니다! 여러분의 아낌없는 지원 덕분에, 저는 창작 활동을 한 달 더 계속할 수 있었습니다! 이제 6월 활동 결과에 대해 보고하려고 합니다. 잠시 시간을 내어 지원 결과를 검토하여 향후 지원에 대한 결정을 내릴 수 있도록 하십시오!

非常感謝各位六月份的支持! 多虧了大家的大力支持,我才能再繼續一個月的創作活動! 現在我要報告我在6月份的活動成果。 請花點時間回顧一下您的支持結果,以便您對未來的支持做出決定!


apologize for the inconvenience, but due to space limitations, we will continue to report in English and Japanese only.


대단히 죄송합니다만 지면의 관계상, 일본어와 영어만으로 계속 하겠습니다 때문에, 수고스럽지만 중국어, 한국어의 여러분에게는 영어를 기계 번역해 주세요.


2. RESULTS OF JUNE/23 6月の制作結果


Thanks to your support and encouragement, I was able to create for another month of June without missing a day! Please take a look at the results of June's production.


Thus, in June, I was able to complete a total of 538 animated images and 53 stop images, some of which were added by FENTR's Day 8 edits, but they were too insignificant to be counted.


30(DAY8) + 17(Forfeit cuts)



Sorry for the delay, but I finished DAY 8 at the beginning of June, but I couldn't get my fingers around editing it, and even though it took longer than expected, I ended up not being able to solve the problem I thought was the biggest problem: "Too much English, should be replaced by more pictograms..." In fact, I had to spend a lot of time on the pictograms in the text, and eventually gave up on it. I had to spend a lot of time on the pictograms in the text to get it right, and I was pressed for time to make the daily DAILYPOST, so I finally gave up. I am truly sorry to the Japanese... I thought about adding subtitles in Japanese, but I decided not to do so because I thought that doing so for DAY 8, which had a lot of dialogue, would have changed the style too much from the previous FENTR productions. I will make use of this experience and try to silence the characters first in the future...


482apng + 53png


DAILYPOST resulted in 482 animated images + 53 stopped images. Yu-Gi-Oh: The Asuka Arc is over, and the new "Codegeass C.C." and "Amagami NTR Hibiki Arc" have begun. As for Yu-Gi-Oh!: Asuka's version, there are still some parts left to be finished, so I will make an EXTRA later on. I have about one post left for the AV Park EXTRA and one or two for Komi, but I'll finish those when I get stuck for ideas.



Once I reach 150 consecutive days of updates on July 6, I will take one day a week from then on, and the day of closing will be a holiday.


💥From July 7, I will take a break every Wednesday plus the day of closing (end of month)!💥

何故休むのか? >今現在私は150日近く休みなしで作業をしてますけれど、実はコイカツを弄る為の体力的の辛さは全然無いです。それならこのまま200日300日連続更新した方が良いのですが、流石にアイデアを絞る時間がないのが今一番辛いですね。あとDAILYPOSTにどんどん力を入れる様になってから、キャラカードや背景(マップ)などを弄る時間がどうしても足りなくなったので週に一日程は時間に余裕をもってこれらを準備したり、アイデアを絞ったり纏めたりしたいですね。後2月3月は応急に運ばれたり病院に行ったりしてたので、自分に何かあった時の為に作り貯めを用意して置きたいとも思います。

Why do you take time off? >I have been working for almost 150 days now without a break, but I actually don't have any physical pain at all to creation activities in Koikatsu. If that were the case, it would be better to continue updating for 200 or 300 days in a row? but the hardest thing for me right now is that I don't have time to focus on my ideas. Also, since I've been putting more and more effort into DAILYPOST, I don't have enough time to making/editing character cards, backgrounds (maps), etc., so I'd like to have a spare day a week to prepare these things, narrow down ideas, and put them together. I also want to prepare a stockpile in case something happens to me like when I had to go to the hospital in February and March.


However, I think I have no problem with my creative stamina now, so when I have accumulated enough stockpile on my days off to think, "Do I need to take a day off today?" I will post them regadless of day-off.


『一気に多量のGIFが同時再生されるのは大変なので、動画形式にして公開してくれ』との要請がありました。しかしこればかりはFANBOX側からあれらの形式に対応してくれないと自分ではどうしようもないのですね…実は自分も動画形式にした方がエンコード時間的にも、容量的にもずっと楽が出来るので出来ればWebM, WebP, MP4, AVIFなどを使いたいです…この問題に関してはFANBOX事務局に要請を入れているのですが…どうなるやら。

I was asked to "publish them in video format because it is very difficult to have a large number of GIFs playing at the same time. However, I can't do anything about it unless FANBOX supports those formats... Actually, I would like to use WebM, WebP, MP4, AVIF, etc. if possible, because it is much easier in terms of encoding time and capacity to use video formats... I would like to put this issue in the FANBOX office. I have already submitted a request to the FANBOX office regarding this issue...but they are usually.... ...well..., we'll see what happens.


So on my days off from now on, I think about should I convert the week's post into a video format and upload it as a compressed file. But this still won't work for viewing on smart phones...so please give me a feedback about this.



In my case until now, burnout in the summer has been my creative pattern, but since I started fanbox activities, this is connected to my life now, so it may be different from the past. but I will probably slow down in July and August because of the high temperature. I will have to buy an air conditioner if I have a bad result on July... but I am a little worried about whether my current income will be enough to cover the air conditioner-related expenses... well, it will turn out as it goes...!


In June, my daily production target was 15 APNGs or more. In July, I will aim to target daily production to 10 or more. I am working in a very hot environment since the latter half of June, but I know that July will probably be even worse, so I am aware that my production will drop. I know that the production will probably be lower in July. So please check my production pace until the middle of July before making a decision about your support in July.



As it pertains to video format, my June production is roughly 17 pictures per post. However, when viewing on a PC, it is very difficult to play them all at once in the case of GIFs. I've received a comment that it is difficult to view the video in GIF format.

『画像の数は何枚程が良いですか?』 是非コメントして下さい。

"How many images would you prefer?" Please comment.


...In my oppinions, I think it would be great if I could increase the production volume around 20+ images... much and more is good and better I think...




Thank you very much for your support in June! July and August will be a battle against the heat, the enemy of creation for me.Therefore, the production volume will drop and the total production volume will drop...I will do my best to meet everyone's expectations as much as possible, but I can't do anything about the burn-out caused by the heat. so I think it would be better to make a decision about the support for July and August after seeing my condition until the middle of July.

Thank you all very much for your support during the month of June!

非常感谢您在六月的支持! 七月和八月将是一场对抗酷暑的战争,对我来说,酷暑是创造的敌人。因此,产量将下降,总产量将下降……虽然会尽最大努力满足大家的期待,但是因为酷暑而疲惫不堪,所以最好在7月中旬之前看到自己的状态后再决定7月和8月的支援。


6월에 당신의 지원에 정말 감사드립니다! 7월과 8월은 나에게 창조의 적인 더위와의 싸움이 될 것입니다.따라서 생산량은 감소하고 총생산량은 감소할 것입니다...최대한 모든 분들의 기대에 부응할 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠지만 더위로 인한 번아웃은 어쩔 수 없기 때문에 7월 중순까지 저의 상태를 보신 후 여러분의 7월과 8월 지원 여부를 결정하는 것이 좋을 것 같습니다.

6월 한 달 동안 여러분의 지원에 정말 감사드립니다!

非常感謝您在六月的支持! 七月和八月將是一場對抗酷暑的戰爭,對我來說,酷暑是創造的敵人。因此,產量將下降,總產量將下降……雖然會盡最大努力滿足大家的期待,但是因爲酷暑而疲憊不堪,所以最好在7月中旬之前看到自己的狀態後再決定7月和8月的支援。

