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I particularly enjoyed this set of episodes.Apart from the fact that Takarada Rikka is particularly attractive in its own right, this episode reminded me of my teenage years. At that time I also spent my evenings imagining what the girl I liked was doing now. Maybe she was also hot with other men at night. At the time when I thought about that, I felt very uneasy inside. There were also some more mixed emotions, I'm not particularly sure, but I think it was also a thrilled, excited interest. I've been thinking since before that it's not really tragic for someone to have the girl they like taken away from them by someone else. The worst thing is actually that you never even see her body, never see what she looks like in bed.


I'm sorry that this time the written feedback seems more like a statement that has little to do with the work. And it's smelly and long. I like the contrast in this set. Whether or not the image is a figment of the male protagonist's imagination. Or rather, it seems to be fantasy for the male protagonist. But it doesn't really, and it seems to look even better that way. It reminds me of some of the colorful light novels that have had many individual author adaptations. The male protagonist can, for some reason, see specific characters out of thin air as they currently are, even if they are very far away. But he could still see for himself what his lover looked like as he was passionately mating and climaxing. Fantastic, this set of animations made me feel especially good. Thank you for making it.


thank you for your detailed feedback! I LOVE THIS! The first love of all youth often ends with a bitter taste, and I wanted to emphasize that in this work. "No one has done anything bad, but someone is heartbroken." This could be a scene of our youth. I am very happy that you sympathize with this. Here, I wanted to write that both Rikka and Utsumi understand Hibiki's feelings, so they hide their relationship from him, and that it could eventually be a childhood mistake. Sex itself is that of a high school student, so it can't be described as persistent or provocative (it's kind of weird for a couple of that age to enjoy perverted sex, right? No of course that's good too!), but I wanted to describe NTR in a more emotional situation. I'm very happy that you're enjoying it! Thanks to your review, I can start my day very happily! I hope you have a happy day today, too!