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今日FENTRの製作に掛かって見ました結果、バーンアウトは多少解消された様です。問題はまだまだテキストを使う場面が多いので単に作業時間が長くなる所ですが、それは多分次の分量で終わらせてその後は今までの通りのリズムになると思います。実は作って置いた分がまだまだ30枚位あるのですが、DAILYPOSTの枠を使っている以上、気に食わない結果物の修正や削除を行う為に一旦貯めて置く事にします。それでは皆様、まる1か月お待たせしてしまい大変申し訳ございませんでした! ★作業中の物であり、メインプロジェクトはなるべく1080pでご感想頂きたいのでGIF化は致しません。ご了承ください。 As a result of seeing the production of FENTR today, the burnout seems to have been resolved a little. But there are still many situations where the text is used, so problem is simply longer making time. but I think that it will probably end in the next or next, next amount and then making will be the same as before. Actually, there are still about 30 more images I made, but as long as I use the DailyPost frame, I will save it once to correct and delete scenes that I do not like or mistaken. I'm sorry that everyone has been waiting for a month! ★This is a work in progress, and I would like to receive your impressions of the main project in 1080p as much as possible, so I will not convert it into a GIF. Please understand. 由于今天看到Fentr的生产,倦怠似乎已经解决了一点。问题在于,仍然有许多情况使用文本,因此这只是一个工作时间很长的地方,但它可能会以下一个数量结束,然后像以前一样结束节奏。实际上,我仍然制作了大约30件,但是只要我使用Dailypost框架,我就会保存一次以纠正和删除我不喜欢的项目。对不起,每个人都在等待一个月! ★这是一个正在进行的工作,我想尽可能多地以1080p的格式收到你对主要项目的印象,所以我不会把它转换成GIF。 敬请谅解。 오늘 FENTR 제작에 들어가 본 결과 번아웃은 다소 해소된 것 같습니다.문제는 아직 텍스트를 사용하는 장면이 많기 때문에 단순히 작업 시간이 길어지는 점이지만, 그것은 아마 다음 분량으로 끝내고 그 후에는 지금까지와 같은 흐름이 될 것입니다.사실 만들어 놓은 분량이 아직 30장 정도 남았지만, DAILYPOST 틀을 사용하고 있는 이상 마음에 들지 않는 결과물의 수정이나 삭제를 하기 위해 일단 모아두기로 합니다.그럼 여러분 꼬박 한 달 기다리게 해서 대단히 죄송합니다! ★작업중의 물건이며, 메인 프로젝트는 가능한 한 1080p로 감상 받고 싶기 때문에 GIF화는 하지 않습니다. 양해 바랍니다. 由於今天看到Fentr的生產,倦怠似乎已經解決了一點。 問題在於,仍然有許多情況使用文本,因此這只是一個工作時間很長的地方,但它可能會以下一個數量結束,然後像以前一樣結束節奏。 實際上,我仍然製作了大約30件,但是只要我使用Dailypost框架,我就會保存一次以糾正和刪除我不喜歡的項目。 對不起,每個人都在等待一個月! ★這是一個正在進行的工作,我想盡可能多地以1080p的格式收到你對主要項目的印象,所以我不會把它轉換成GIF。 敬請諒解。




Yay, more Celica NTR!! ❤️ The scene begins a little confusing. Maybe add something like "Earlier..." at the beginning of the flashback. Not important, it would just help follow the sequence of events more easily. Love getting to see Juda's magic changing Celica's mind! It feels earned because he's put in the effort to chip away at her resistance, but that little push just when she's questioning everything is perfect! I thought he womb tattoo was further along, though..? Looking forward to more~


oh, that's right. this DAY8 have some framed composition, I should add the thing you mentioned. maybe I can do that in the final cut. In the original story at FE ECHOES, Celica becomes a witch with Juda's magic and it was her own will right? This is a slight twist on it. 😁 thank you for your comments!


and oops, I forget remove Juda's womb tattoo. there's a sponsor who have arachnophobia, so I've changed Juda's womb tattoo to another one. I forgot about that...😥


Naturally! Her class was changed against her will and has been progressing all this time... I just wonder how much further it will go!