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23年4月の決算! RESULTS for 23 APRIL



Thanks to everyone's support, I was able to continue my creative activities this month! Thank you as always! I will explain to you what kind of work I did in April and what the results were.

多亏了大家的支持,这个月的创作活动才得以继续! 一如既往地谢谢你! 我将向您解释我在四月份做了什么样的工作以及结果如何。

여러분의 응원 덕분에 이번 달에도 창작 활동을 계속할 수 있었습니다! 언제나처럼 감사합니다! 4월에 어떤 일을 했고 결과는 어땠는지 설명드리겠습니다.

多虧了大家的支持,這個月的創作活動才得以繼續! 一如既往地謝謝你! 我將向您解釋我在四月份做了什麼樣的工作以及結果如何。

非常抱歉,从这里开始只用日语和英语进行说明。 英语使用简单的句子,以最大限度地启动谷歌翻译,请使用谷歌翻译将英语翻译成您的语言。

대단히 죄송합니다만, 여기서부터는 일본어와 영어로만 설명을 드리겠습니다. 영어는 최대한 구글 번역이 잘 작동하도록 간단한 문장을 사용하고 있으므로, 영어를 구글번역을 이용하여 당신의 언어로 번역해주세요.

非常抱歉,從這裏開始只用日語和英語進行說明。 英語使用簡單的句子,以最大限度地啓動谷歌翻譯,請使用谷歌翻譯將英語翻譯成您的語言。

2. RESULTS OF APRIL/23 4月の制作結果



Thanks to all of you, we have reached 100 supporters this month! less than 100 people currently, but I will never forget the joy of the moment I reached 100 supporters! Thanks to all of you! Thank you very much! Actually, I thought 60 to 70 people is my limit, never expected 100 supporters...! so I couldn't be happier! Thank you again!

But April, I had som problems in my creativity. I will explain you about this.



(没にしたのは50~60枚程 scrapped 50~60 apngs for low quality)


I'm really sorry...! In fact, before the burnout declaration on the 18th, I felt a burnout from the latter half of the production of DAY7. This got worse when I started working on DAY8 on April 1st, and I came to the conclusion that 『I don't really like the result, I can't let the characters speak what I think, the flow of the story isn't smooth』. I decided that it wasn't good enough to make everyone's expectations, so in the end I declared a burnout and suspended FENTR's work temporarily. I'm really sorry that I betrayed everyone who expected me. I didn't expect the burnout to come this soon... Right now I'm completely taking a break from working on FENTR and concentrating on DAILYPOST. From now on, I feel like I'm probably back to the point where I can resume work on FENTR. However, the amount of time I spend on DAILYPOST is increasing, so I have to make time to work on FENTR. So I think, FENTR's DAY8 maybe have the form of work to finish small amounts little by little within the framework of DAILYPOST. Personally, I used to take the stance of 『making it all the way through and uploading it all together』, but since the my work time is limited, so maybe the time have come to change this. My position as a manufacturer is different now that I am receiving support from everyone on FANBOX compared to when I was leisurely working on PIXIV.





As for DAILYPOST, by coincidence, the result was 408 APNGs, the same as the result in March. There are 72 non-animated images that were used for stories. This month, 『Yu-Gi-Oh: Asuka Tenjouin』, 『SSSS.GRIDMAN: Rikka Takarada』, 『To LOVE Ru: Lala, Yui』, and 『One Piece: Yamato』 were simultaneously progressed. While thinking about the cause of FENTR's burnout, I asked myself, 『Am I tired of FENTR? got too long in one works?』 so this is the result of thinking about turning a variety of works in order to explore the question. 『If I got stuck here, do that!』 I wanted to make a breakthrough. And personally, I feel like this fits me pretty well. I was able to say, 『Oh, I don't have much time today... so it's better work on that. /or/ I cannot get any idea of this... so get to that now!』, so this, I feel like my work has become more stable. so the DAILYPOSTs would like to proceed with several works at the same time.

Regarding the DAILYPOST plan, I plan to start 『To Love Ru: Haruna』 in May, and 『Yu-Gi-Oh: Asuka Tenjouin』70% done? and 『SSSS.GRIDMAN: Rikka Takarada』40% done? will continue for a while.



In April, I finished 408 APNGs. Even including the 72 non-animated images, the number is 480. which is much less than the 741 in March and the 570 in February. I am truly sorry. In April, I had a lot of problems with my body, so I had to cut back on my work hours... I've been paying attention to my diet and sleep, and now my blood pressure is a little more stable, so I'm feeling dizzy more oftenly. It is fairly suppressed I think. So I would like to get back in shape a little more from May.

3. PLAN for MAY 5月の計画


I will do my best to keep progresses on the DAILYPOSTs until May 17th. May 17th is the day when I can achieve 100 days posts streak! though this, I think I will gain confidence that 『I was able to create for 100 days.』 I think it's very important to leave such a result and strengthen my mentality, so I definitely want to achieve 100 days in a row. of course after achieving 100 days streak, I will continue DAILYPOST, but I have to put FENTR in between them, and I think I might really need a break soon. ... My body is already in tatters. At first, my plan was to take a break around July or August because it would be too hot to work, but life doesn't go as planned...

4.FOR MOBILE DEVICE  スマホで閲覧出来るように


I received feedback that it is difficult to view APNG on smartphones, so today I have prepared a half-size GIF post for smartphones. I'm not familiar with smartphones, and the smartphone I have is 『a smartphone that can make a minimum emergency call』, so I didn't give enough consideration to everyone who mainly used smartphones until now. Sorry for this. I will try this post for smartphones for the next 10 days, gather feedback and decide whether to continue. I can't ignore the time it takes to encode and check the GIF, so I'd like to hear your feedback on how useful this post for smartphones is to everyone and make a decision about support for the mobile accessibility! Please give me your opinion!

5。MY HEALTH  自分の健康状態


I'm sorry for worrying everyone. My main health problem now is my heart and blood vessels, which causes dizziness due to high blood pressure(I have 178cm tall and 62kg body weight, so this problem is not because usual body fat). And my waist. I'm doing what I can, so I don't think it's going to get any worse... I don't think so... but it is impossible to say for sure... Well, it will be okay! I can't afford any resource to worry about this right now, so I have to focus on what I can do!

6。THANK YOU!  有難う御座います!


Thanks to all of you, I was able to live and create this month too! I am very sorry to all of you for canceling the production of FENTR in April. I would like to take advantage of my experience in April and balance the main project and DAILYPOSTs from May. I hope that everyone will be able to make good spring memories in May❤

多亏了你们,这个月我也能生活和创造! 对于4月份取消FENTR生产的各位,我感到非常抱歉。 我想利用4月的经验,从5月开始平衡主要项目和每日邮报。 希望大家在5月也能留下美好的春天回忆❤

여러분 덕분에, 저는 이번 달을 생활할 수도 창작할 수도 있었습니다! 4월에 FENTR 생산을 취소한 것에 대해 여러분 모두에게 매우 죄송하게 생각합니다. 저는 4월의 경험을 살려 5월부터 본 프로젝트와 DAIL POSTs의 균형을 맞추고 싶습니다. 5월에는 모두가 좋은 봄 추억을 만들 수 있기를 바랍니다❤

多虧了你們,這個月我也能生活和創造! 對於4月份取消FENTR生產的各位,我感到非常抱歉。 我想利用4月的經驗,從5月開始平衡主要項目和每日郵報。 希望大家在5月也能留下美好的春天回憶❤




4月もお疲れ様でした! こちらは毎日更新があるだけで十分すぎるほど楽しませていただいてますので、作業速度などはお気になさらず。 ToLoveるシリーズや六花ちゃんの続きもとても楽しみですが、とにかく健康第一で無理せず、ゆっくり作っていただければ思います。

