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My health is very bad right now, and yesterday I was dumped to the emergency room on 911. The dizziness was so bad that I collapsed. the dizziness itself was due to hypoglycemia shock, but that was only little part of the problem. I thought it was a cerebral infarction, but the emergency test showed that it was not the case about the brain, and the probability of other problems, especially high chance on liver and blood vessel problems. so ER doctor suggest me a detailed examination in proper hospital. But I can't afford the medical cost, so I can't go to the hospital now. It may be possible to be able to go to the hospital after 3 to 4 months if I save up the support money from you. I don't have anything to do about my health right now, so I'd like to continue working as before. but if something happens, maybe... yeah, that's what I mean. From now on if I don't post for more than 3 days without any notice, I'm likely dead. In that case, please stop supporting immediately. Oh, before that, you have to download the post you want properly, right? I don't have any family or relatives, it will be a waste of money if you don't stop supporting me when I died. so if something happens to me, please stop supporting me ASAP. Okay... I hope everyone will be happy every day, just like you did for me❤

我现在身体很不好,昨天被911扔进了急诊室,头晕得晕倒了。 头晕本身是由于低血糖休克引起的,但这只是问题的一小部分。 我以为是脑梗塞,但是急诊检查发现不是脑部的问题,还有其他问题的概率,尤其是肝脏和血管问题的概率高。 所以急诊医生建议我去正规医院做详细检查。 但是我付不起医药费,所以现在不能去医院。 如果我把你的FANBOX补助金存起来的话,可能3到4个月后就可以去医院了。既然我现在无能为力,我想像以前一样继续工作。 如果发生什么事,也许……是的,这就是我的意思。 从现在开始,如果我在没有任何通知的情况下超过 3 天不发帖,我可能已经死了。 在这种情况下,请立即停止支持。 哦,在此之前,您必须正确下载您想要的帖子,对吗? 我没有家人和亲人,如果我死了你还不停止供养我,那就浪费钱了。 所以如果我出了什么事,请尽快停止支持我。 好吧...希望大家每天都开心,就像你为我做的一样❤

지금 건강이 매우 안 좋아서 어제 119로 응급실에 실려갔어요. 어지러움이 너무 심해서 쓰러졌어요. 현기증 자체는 저혈당증 쇼크로 인한 것이지만 문제의 일부에 불과했습니다. 뇌경색인 줄 알았는데, 응급검사 결과 뇌의 경우가 아닌 다른 문제일 확률이 높았고, 특히 간과 혈관 문제일 확률이 높았다. 그래서 자세한 검사를 제안받았습니다. 하지만 의료비를 감당할 수 없어서 지금 병원에 갈 수 없습니다. 내가 당신에게서 지원금을 모으면 3-4개월 후에 병원에 갈 수 있을지도 모릅니다. 지금은 할 수 있는 것이 없기 때문에 지금까지대로 작업을 해 나가고 싶습니다만, 무슨 일이 생기면 아마... 그래, 내 말은 그거야. 앞으로 제가 아무 연락 없이 3일 이상 글을 안 올리면 아마 저는 죽었을 가능성이 대단히 높습니다. 이 경우 즉시 지원을 중단하십시오. 아, 그 전에 원하는 포스트를 제대로 다운받아야겠죠? 나는 가족도 친척도 없기 때문에 내가 죽었을 때 지원을 중단하지 않으면 돈 낭비가 될 것입니다. 그러니 나에게 무슨 일이 생기면 최대한 빨리 지원을 중단해주세요. 여러분들이 나에게 그래 주었던 것처럼 여러분들도 매일 행복했으면 좋겠어요❤

我現在身體很不好,昨天被911扔進了急診室,頭暈得暈倒了。 頭暈本身是由於低血糖休克引起的,但這只是問題的一小部分。 我以爲是腦梗塞,但是急診檢查發現不是腦部的問題,還有其他問題的概率,尤其是肝臟和血管問題的概率高。 所以急診醫生建議我去正規醫院做詳細檢查。 但是我付不起醫藥費,所以現在不能去醫院。 如果我把你的FANBOX補助金存起來的話,可能3到4個月後就可以去醫院了。既然我現在無能爲力,我想像以前一樣繼續工作。 如果發生什麼事,也許……是的,這就是我的意思。 從現在開始,如果我在沒有任何通知的情況下超過 3 天不發帖,我可能已經死了。 在這種情況下,請立即停止支持。 哦,在此之前,您必須正確下載您想要的帖子,對嗎? 我沒有家人和親人,如果我死了你還不停止供養我,那就浪費錢了。 所以如果我出了什麼事,請儘快停止支持我。 好吧...希望大家每天都開心,就像你爲我做的一樣❤



If I had to choose, I wish I could choose to keep subscribing to your work continuously for 20 years in a row. Instead of being very anxious to receive only a small portion for a short period of time. Only if it lasts long enough will there be more and better works, right? You need to ensure that you eat daily and have adequate nutrition. Get enough sleep to rest. Everything is done so that you can live better, and only if you live better can you work better. So please do find a way to take care of your health.


I'll do my best in what can I do. drink a lot of water and try exercise frequently. I am also wanna live healthy :D currently keep the FANBOX works is the best thing I can do. cuz dead by health problem or dead by bankrupt is same result actually. and, thank you and I am sorry to make you worried.


There are other workers who will have a sponsorship program of this kind. Let's say there is a high priced sponsorship program and the content of this program is exactly the same as the others. It's just a project that gives a reason to increase the revenue of the creator. I really enjoy the work you produce and I honestly think that NTR storyline creation actually requires a lot of comprehension, so I recognise your ability to work. The アマガミNTR! you have produced have given me many pleasurable memories and for me far surpassed other projects and made me feel happy. So I think these deserve something from me back to you. If you would like, you can set up a sponsorship program for 3000¥ to 5000¥. I would be willing to buy it to help you face some of life's problems better.


that is very kind of you, but I have to reject your kindness. that is not my way of life. please just enjoy my daily works while I can produce them. this is best present you can give me :)


疲労は想像以上に身体を蝕みますので、とにかくしっかり休んでください… 何よりもあなたの健康が第一です。


I hope you feel better. We have a saying in my native language which roughly translates to "Bad grass is hard to kill" which means bad people have long lives. since you are a fellow NTR enjoyer, I know for sure you and I are bad men :) Stay strong.




Thank you! I'll try best to keep my health well! bas grass's "Bad" mean the persistence, right? like a garden weed cannot easily disposed! in that meaning I am bad grass yes😁 I must be persistent on try to survive!

