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Thank you very much everyone! This February, my first time on FANBOX, I wouldn't have been able to do this without your support. All my creative activities have been guided by you. It's frustrating that I don't have enough ways to express my gratitude. Once again, thank you very much!

非常感谢大家! 今年二月,我第一次在 FANBOX 上,没有你们的支持我不可能做到这一点。 我所有的创作活动都是在您的指导下进行的。 令人沮丧的是我没有足够的方式来表达我的感激之情。 再一次,非常感谢你!

정말 감사합니다! 이번 2월 처음으로 FANBOX를 시작하여, 여러분의 응원이 없었다면 여기까지 올 수 없었을 것입니다. 나의 모든 창작 활동은 당신이 이끌어내 주신 것입니다. 고마운 마음을 표현할 방법이 마땅치 않아 안타깝네요. 다시 한 번 진심으로 감사드립니다!

非常感謝大家! 今年二月,我第一次在 FANBOX 上,沒有你們的支持我不可能做到這一點。 我所有的創作活動都是在您的指導下進行的。 令人沮喪的是我沒有足夠的方式來表達我的感激之情。 再一次,非常感謝你!


From now on, I would like to tell you what I did in Feb, how slow or fast my production speed was, and what I plan to do to meet everyone's expectations. Please forgive me for not being able to respond only in Japanese and English due to post space issues...

지금부터 제가 2월에 무엇을 했는지, 생산 속도가 얼마나 느리거나 빨랐는지, 모두의 기대에 부응하기 위해 무엇을 할 계획인지 말씀드리고 싶습니다. 포스트 공간 문제로 일본어와 영어로만 답변을 드리지 못하는 점 양해 부탁드립니다...

从现在开始,我想告诉大家我在二月份做了什么,我的制作速度有多慢或多快,以及我打算做什么来满足大家的期望。 请原谅我由于帖子空间问题无法仅用日文和英文回复...

從現在開始,我想告訴大家我在二月份做了什麼,我的製作速度有多慢或多快,以及我打算做什麼來滿足大家的期望。 請原諒我由於帖子空間問題無法僅用日文和英文回复...

2.RESULTS OF FEB/23 2月の制作結果とか。


This graph shows the results of my February creative activities.


まずは『FE NTR』ですが作り貯めがあったDAY1、2までは直ぐに発表出来ました。DAY3からは本格的にストリーを入れ始める事で発表速度は落ちていきます。DAY4を発表出来るまで7日、そこからDAY5までも7日ですね。でもページの数をご覧になれば分かって頂けると思いますが、DAY4,5はその分量が他より圧倒的に多いです。これらのストリーを入れたパートは私の最初の計画では元は10日に1DAYを仕上げるペースと考えていました。これからも多分1DAYを仕上げるのには7~12日くらいの時間が掛かると思われます。

First, "FE NTR". DAY 1 and 2 has already completed parts so it didn't take long to release. but from DAY3, the releasing speed slowed down as the story begins in earnest. a week until DAY4 can be released, and again a week from there to DAY5. But if you look at the number of pages, you'll understand why they are delayed. DAY4 and 5 have an overwhelmingly larger amount than the others. In my initial plan, I thought the pace of releasing story-parts would be 1/10days. likewise from now on, new DAY of FE NTR will probably take about 7 to 12 days to finish.



I did it! to answer your kindness I kept my running! this Feb I was able to achieve post a day! These are all 209APNG. I thought about PRACTICALITY XD as much as possible, but there are times when I feel uneasy that it may be a bit rutted.


It takes about 2 to 3 hours a day to finish and upload these. So if I reduce this, I think I can shorten the making main project time by 1 or 2days, but I think it would be better to continue this than 1 or 2 days shortening. I would love to hear your thoughts on this.


But since I'm currently working without days off, I'll have to take a break from daily posts at some point and take a day off. currently, with very high motivation from your supports, I working 12+ hours per day without a holyday. However, some day the accumulated fatigue will become unavoidable, so I will have to decide my Fanbox-day-off or something before the fatigue catch me.


209枚は既存の物を弄って仕上げているものです。これらは平均的に10枚ごと1.5~3時間くらい掛けていますね。だから多分50時間くらい掛けているとすると計算が合うかも…(210/10*2.35) で、ここでエンコードするのには一枚に2分くらいかかるんですよ。だから(210*2/60)の時間を外したら…えっと…7時間くらいか。だから純粋に計算すると、『私はAPNGエロネタを45時間に209枚公開出来る!それは一時間に4.5枚くらいのペースです!

209 APNGs are finished by tampering with existing ones. On average, it takes about 1.5 to 3 hours per 10 sheets. So maybe if it takes about 50 hours, the calculation may be correct...(210/10*2.35)。 and it takes about 2 minutes to encode one APNG with my PC performance. So if I remove the time of (210*2/60)...well...about 7 hours. So if I do a some calculation, "I can publish 209 APNG H-SCENES in 45 hours! That's a pace of about 4.5 pics per 1 hour!"

FE NTRの場合はこれは正確な計算が出来ないと思います。これらは作業時間が長いので、作業の合間合間に休んだりするからです。でもファイルの修正された時刻をみると大体30分に一枚くらいのペースですね。

In the case of FE NTR, I don't think this can be calculated accurately. This is because the work time of main project is long(8~10 hours per day), so I take my breaks in between work. But looking at the time the APNG file was modified, it's about a pace of about one every 30 minutes.

3. FUTURE PLAN これからはどうするの?

まずはメインプロジェクトであるFE:NTRの方を仕上げて行きたいと思っております。7日~12日くらいの作業時間を掛けて完成する次第、発表するつもりです。これが終わったら次のメインプロジェクトは?それは考えません。まずは今の作業物を完成した後から、皆様のご意見を頂き決めるつもりであります。現在の支援者様の中ではFEのファンの方々が多いみたいですし、場合によっては元の計画だったFSN NTR、STB NTR、DxD NTRなどを没にし、FE NTRの続編を作る様になるかも知れません。そうなった場合は元の計画していた物は多分DAILY POSTに使われるようになるかも知れませんね…量が量なので全てをメインプロジェクトとして発表するのは無理なのかもしれません。

First of all, I would like to finish the main project FE:NTR. I plan to release it as soon as it is completed after about 7 to 12 days of work. "After this is over, what's my next main project?" I do not think about the question. ::most emergent work is finishing current main project.:: after completing the current work, I plan to get your opinions and make a decision maybe a vote of yours? It seems that many of the current supporters are FE fans so depending on the situation, the original plans like FSN NTR, STB NTR, DxD NTR, etc... may be abandoned and a sequel to FE NTR may be made. I don't know. In that case, the original plan may be used for DAILY POST... It may be impossible to complete-and-release everything as the main project. because the already made amount is the quite amounts.



"Let's respond to everyone's support this month!" I had the motivation to do my best. I was able to work more than 12 hours per day. Still, it wasn't hard at all. This is not a lie. Of course, I get very tired at evening, but that doesn't mean it's painful. I can sleep happily at night.


However, since I am human, my physical strength is limited, and above all, my most afraid is of Burnout effects in my creative activities. I'm terribly sorry but in my experience in past creation activities, burnout is un-avoidable to me.(Burnout; a status I cannot focus on creation activity)


Unfortunately I don't know when that will be. In my experience, it's been so hot in the summer that I can't work(I have no air-conditioner), and I've had burnout several times before. yeah. But once that happens, in my case I can't create for almost a month or 2 2 month maybe...


But right now, I have everyone's gratitude and expectations on my shoulders, so even if burnout comes, I think I have to do something about it. when I face the moment I feel that burnout is coming, I will alarm you to let you know so that you can withhold your support.

5. COMPLETE Pixiv's older main project Pixivでの既存プロジェクトの完成

FANBOXを始める何日か前まで、私は『やはり俺の青春ラブコメは間違っている』の、私の二次創作である『間違えたラブコメの改め方』の続編を作業していました。これの完成率は70%という所なので、出来れば暇を見つけてこれを完成し、Pixivにて公開したいと思っています。しかし、これは現在のメインプロジェクトと同じくらいの時間を掛けないといけないのです。一応Pixivのメインなので。だからFE NTR セリカ編を終わらせたら次のFANBOXメインプロジェクトが決まるまでの暇を使ってこれを完成したいと思っています。ですがこれは日本語でしか発表出来ないので、優先度はFANBOXより低くしないといけないと思います。

A few days before I started FANBOX, I was working on a sequel to "How to fix a wrong romantic comedy" it's my parody of "My youth romantic comedy is wrong". The completion rate of this is about 70%, so if possible, I would like to find time to complete this and publish it on Pixiv. But this has to take about the same amount of time as the current main project. Because it is the main of Pixiv for the time being. So after finishing the FE NTR Celica arc, I'd like to use my spare time until the next FANBOX main project is decided to complete this. However, since this work's text is only for Japanese, I think the priority this must be lower than FANBOX.



ladies and gentlemen. It's been just a month since I first started FANBOX, and I really appreciate your support even though I don't have any contents. In all honesty, I would like to express my gratitude to each and every one of you, but I will do it by my works.

FANBOXを初めて、『俺なんかに誰が興味を持ってくれるんだよ。しかもお金払ってまで?500円ってお前結構高いんだぞ?上手く行くわけがない』などと自分に言い聞かせていたのに、初日にいきなり、しかもポストはFE NTRのDAY1一つしかなかったにも関わらずご支援してくださったk*********2様。貴方が私の前に来てくださったお蔭で私はやる気を取り戻し、一日一ポストしようと決め、それを成す事が出来ました。貴方の500円で、私は初めての職場で初めての給料を受け取った時より凄まじい感動を感じる事が出来ました。多分私は貴方がご支援を始めた時のお知らせを見た瞬間を一生忘れられないでしょう。本当に、本当に有難う御座います…

For the first time on FANBOX, I thought, " Who is interested in me? And even pay for my works? 500 yen is quite expensive. There's no way it'll go well ", but on the first day, all of a sudden, and even though there was only one post for FE NTR DAY 1, k********2 sama, you supported me. Thanks to you coming in front of me, with your presence, I regained my motivation and could decided to post once a day, and I was able to do it. With your 500 yen, I was able to feel a tremendous excitement more than when in the past I received my first salary at my first job. Maybe I will never forget the moment you supported me. Thank you very much.




2年ほど前に見た「アマガミNTR!森島はるか編」が素晴らしすぎて大ファンになった者です。 先月Pixivを見ていると大復活されてFANBOXも開いておられたので喜んで支援させていただいてますが、むしろ月500円でこの素晴らしい作品の数々を見てもいいのかと驚愕しておりました…FANBOXの仕様には詳しくないですが、もう少し高めのプランがあっても良いような気もしていますw 毎日更新は本当に偉業ですし楽しみでしたが、1日12時間作業&休みなしはあまりにも過酷ですので、無理せず少なくとも週2日は休日を設けて休んでいただけた方がこちらとしても安心できます…; セリカNTRも最高でしたが実はFSN NTRをひそかに楽しみにしていますw DxD NTRも凄まじく興味ありますので、いつか拝見できる日を楽しみに待っています。 普段は「いいね」を押すばかりで申し訳ありませんが、これからも応援しております。 長文失礼いたしました。


有難う御座います!実はですね!ひひ一日12時間作業って言っても自分はコイカツ!いじるのが趣味みたいなもので12時間楽しく遊んでるのと同じ感覚なんですよ!皆様もなんかゲームに入れ込んだ時一日中ゲームしても楽しい状態とかあるでしょう?それと同じですからあまり心配無いと思います。ちゃんと疲労が溜まったらお休みを頂きますので! そうですね…FSN NTRとDxD NTRはもともとpixivの為のものでしたからうごイラではない没版(pixivの以前作品と同じ構造。停止画像+TEXT)がFSN500枚DxDが1080枚程作ってある所で止まっています。Hアニメはそれぞれ193、71アニメシーンを作ってあります。でもこれらは2年前の物で色々手を加えないとかなり恥ずかしい出来なので、FANBOXのこれからの行方を見てどうするか判断したいと思います。 666様コメント有難う御座います!やぱりフィードバックやご意見を頂ける事こそ一番嬉しい事ですね!あ!勿論いいね押されてお知らせ来ると空かさず身悶えしているのでお気になさらず! それでは3月、良い一年の始まりになりますように♡