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Times change, life changes. As will sometimes the place here. Over the last weeks I was debating with myself, how to approach some needed changes to how my FanBox operates, and I think I found a solution that will hurt you, people who subscribe me, the least.

Let's look at this list and go about all of it one-by-one:

• JR branding overhaul – for last 2 years I am operating this FanBox account style of posting, how it was presented was all over the place. And we can't have it happen. I want you to feel it as a premium service with a lot to offer, so over the next days you will see new, more fancy graphics, new FAN cards, tier list overhaul. Well, and new logo :3.

• More exclusive FanBox-only content – all posts were operating under assumption, that a big chunk of it will be going to public over next months on pixiv. To add to the worth of being a subscriber to my account, now more posts will be FanBox-only with previews shared in other, public places.

• New pledge tier – this FanBox account now has almost 2 years worth of content. At the time of writing, there are 389 posts published. Time goes forward and my costs of living also raise (for example, I am paying 3x the electricity bill than I did 2 years ago). I do not want to hurt those with lower amount of money to spend, so I decided to not change base prices of my tiers. Instead, I will restrict the huge archive we amassed here by introducing a new tier: SMALL+.

SMALL tier will still have access to all posts, but only those that are posted current and previous month. Will not have access to posts older than that. Price will remain ¥600 (around $5.5). If you are a subscriber that likes to collect my works it shouldn't be a problem, you will always have that 2-month period to do so.

SMALL+ tier is mostly targeted at people who want to subscribe for one month, download all the stuff they want and then leave. Price of it will be ¥1100 (around $10). MEDIUM and HUGE tiers will also still have access to full archive.

There will be no exclusive additional content for higher tiers, as it was before. All posts will be still posted at a base price and when new month will start, I will change tiers for previous months. This change will come live 6th of September, so you still have quite a lot of time to download all you want with your base SMALL tier. That change will also affect monthly archives on our Discord server - those will be only accessible with SMALL+ and higher tiers of support.

• More one-off characters – as I delve more into character creation, I am creating pipelines that help me create new characters faster. And I want to speed it up even more, while maintaining the quality of them. So you will see more and more unnamed boys and girls that will show up only once (they will still be available for MEDIUM and HUGE requests, you will just need to tell me which set they showed up).

• More focus on story-like sets – well, I noticed you like when there are dialogues in my renders, so why not do it more? ^-^ Context of situations is always cool, and it will probably raise my writing capabilities. As always, there will be text and no-text versions of those.

That's basically it. I hope the changes will be acceptable for you. And I want to thank you very, very much for your support over those last 2 years. It's a pleasure to make stuff for you and make your lives that little happier with my works.

If you have any questions about those changes, or you would want to share your opinion about them, please do not be afraid of commenting below this post. I will try to answer to all of them.





Sounds good!


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