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Hi hey hello - I was procastinating long time now to make it but here we go. A new Behind the Render. We will go through submissions since the last BTR. A lot of them have one thing in common - just simple render wasn't enough to make what I had in mind.

Let's start with:

fanbox post: creator/16218616/post/2405184

The main idea was to make sneaky illussion on the floor that isn't obvious and super visible. So to achieve that I made two renders:

Both rendered in same setup, same settings and similar render time so they would flow into each other perfectly. There were some little problems with how feet connected to the floor though, so that required some more work than intended. It's because both characters are not same height. So I grabbed both renders and put them in photoshop to mask out:

The whole setup was quite easy - to not overdo the background and still have something going on there I decided to put some random simulated cloth props and some lights:

Simple but effective. And I wanted to focus on poses and the illussion effect so it doesn't get drowned in unnecessary details. The layer stack in the photoshop wasn't as complicated as it can be in some renders because of that too. But still wanted the ending result to be a bit more dreamy so I added additional glow in Photoshop, added vignette and combined two Color Lookup Tables on top of it. But that's basically it, no redrawing or liquifying was neccessary this time at least.

The next one was:

fanbox post: creator/16218616/post/2412361

For which I made an environment in Cinema4d - I made a bowl object and cut it in voronoi pattern by Fracture effect. Then I put cloth simulation underneath it with inverse gravity so it enveloped that broken bowl. This is better view of it:

With the cloth being under characters I could put a lot of translucency on the cloth material and a light just underneath it, so it looks like it's shining through it.

The turquiose bowl elements were textured in Substance Painter - as you can see it's not super detailed texture because I put all of it under one UV which is in total 8Kx8K. Those little black dots and golden elements were made by fiddling with various noises generators. Nothing too special but I figured out that simple flat texture wasn't interesting to look at.

As you can see here in those preview renders it don't have that volumetric light effect as the final picture does. It was done in Photoshop after the fact. Iray isn't good when comes to fog and volumetry effect - it basically makes the render take x5 time as much to finish at good not-noisy state. And making it perfect is also hard. So let's have a looksie at it for a moment:

rays were made by using Frishluft Volumetric Light plugin but as well could be done by selecting only lighter places and using radial blur that is by dedault in PS. It would just take more time fiddling with it and the plugin has its all in one package. Some parts of characters were not bending as well as I thought they would and I only noticed it in after rendering so there was some additional hair drawing and liquify here. But nothing super serious.

Then we had:

fanbox post: creator/16218616/post/2453868

Which I have actually nothing to talk about. It came out as planned, nothing more serious than color grading was done in Photoshop. Dominic himself was remade and wanted to show his new version to you guys. One thing is that the original render didn't look as vibrant and colorful as the version that I posted - it was mostly done in Camera RAW in Photoshop.

This is original render. Nothing more than that really. I textured the chair to be fluffy with some micro displacement so even on the edges it looks a bit ruggedy and lifelike. Hair for dominic was entirely made by strand based hair module in DAZ and just brushed a bit to the side to convey gravity in the pic.

Then as a last one for this BTR we have:

fanbox post: creator/16218616/post/2454444

I rarely ever made anything in Wild West theme. And when I saw a request from one of my supporters "cum in the glass" a weird freaking light bulb turned on in my head to make it into Snake Oil kinda thing. But you need to add some cum in it to work. Very stupid idea so I hope it made someone chuckle at least ^-^.

This is the original render, as it came out from DAZ. I wanted to add very old-timey look to it though so I used Nik effects (version from when they were free) to add that HDR-like look and very harsh grain effect on top of it. The dialogue boxes were drawn by hand to add that "dry paint" feel on top of it, make it a little more ruggedy than it would by doing it with vector shapes.

For next one I plan to explain and show a bit more in detail so that will be it for this little episode of BTR. If you want to know more about process behind any of them or any details about how I do what I do - do not be afraid to ask. When I do those BTR's I go with my gut feeling with "this might not be interesting" and "oh this is easy for me so will only mention it in passing". But again - you wanna know more details? Comment section below. And as always: like, subscribe and all that youtube jazz :3 Ciao!







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