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▼カラーラフボツ案/color sketch bot plan












This is an illustration for the 2nd anniversary of Xenoblade DE!

I feel like DE was released just recently, but ... 2 years has passed so quickly.

I drew Talco with Melia last year, so this time I drew Shulk with Melia. I have a feeling that Schulk wasn't able to draw very cool last time, and this time he decided to draw very cool, so I feel like he is enthusiastic.

The image is inspired by the fight against the King of Mist. At first, I thought about making a picture like a fight with the crack in the background, but I thought it was too dark for a celebratory picture, so I decided to make a picture with the clear blue sky in the background after the fight.

I was worried if I could make it in time because I was busy with many things, but I'm glad it was completed without any problems! Thank you for watching!

I have received several requests at the moment, and I would like to draw a hobby picture this month as well.

I am sorry that the article for supporters has not been updated for a long time ... Thank you very much to everyone who always supported me! I would appreciate it if you could take a long look at it as I would like to make some time to give back as much as possible.

I look forward to working with you again!

