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またそもそもの企画タイトルが長かったのでイラスト投稿時のタイトルの“THANKS PROJECT“を使っていこうと思います。




























この記事の注意事項①〜⑤に同意の上、メッセージ内にあるリクエストフォームURL(Googleフォーム日本語・Googleフォーム英語・Microsoft form日本語の3種類)へのご記入による送信か、フォームをご使用いただけない場合は直接メッセージへの返信をお願いします。













そしてGoogleアカウントをお持ちでない方用にMicrosoft formを作成してみました。



こちらから改めてメッセージにてMicrosoft formのURLと万一それもお使いいただけなかった時用に設問を直接お送りします。












Hello, I'm Kasane☺️.

This article is to inform you again about the request project I’m conducting for my continuous supporters.

The title of the project was too long to begin with, so I will use "THANKS PROJECT," which was the title when the illustrations were submitted.

There is no change in the application conditions, but I have added some details. (This may not be enough...)

If you have achieved the condition after this month (created July 2022), please review this article and make a request.

【Eligible persons】

Those whose total support exceeds ¥3,600 .(¥3,600, ¥7,200...)

 It is a total amount, so you do not have to be a continuous supporter.

 Also, I will send you the finished product even if you stop supporting me after the conditions are met and the request is sent.

(For details, please refer to 【How to receive your order】 at the bottom of this page.)


Draw a single picture like the one above.

 Since this is a public article as a whole, I use a clothed illustration as an example, but I will also create a raw buttock, etc. with the difference.

 If you do not specify any particular difference, the number of difference illustrations at the time of output will be approximately 10 illustrations based on a combination of two layers of lower body clothing, two layers of underwear, and with or without reddish color.

 If you specify otherwise, the number of difference illustrations may be less than 10, so please be aware of this before making a request.

 You may also provide a description of your request within 500 words, but I may not be able to meet your expectations if your request is too complex.

 And in principle, I cannot accept requests for complex illustrations, such as those with like a comic layouts. (Please consider another paid request such as skeb.)

Combinations are free.

 The form allows me to choose any combination I can think of.

 If you have any other ideas, please write them in the request text field or in the remarks section.

I can't draw extreme sexual scenes. Depictions of genitalia will be mosaicked.

I am not able to create derivative works of anime and comics.

 If you request your own original character, it is possible, please send me an image of the material via pixiv message.

Works may be used for personal viewing only.

 The requested illustrations will be published on my fanbox.

 All rights to the artwork will belong to Kasane.

【How to apply】

I will send a personalized message to those who are eligible for the program each month that they have achieved the requirements.

Messages will be sent on or about the 20th of each month for those who have achieved ¥3,600, and on or about the 25th of each month for those who have achieved ¥7,200.

The request is valid from the time the message is received until I close my FANBOX☺️.

After agreeing to the notes ① to ⑤ in this article, please send your request by filling in the request form URL in the message (Google form Japanese, Google form English, or Microsoft form Japanese) or reply directly to the message if you cannot use the form.

※Currently, I’m sending a message to all those who have achieved the goal, so if you do not want to participate in the project, please ignore me with my sincere apologies...💦.

※If you have achieved each condition by supporting me after the 20th or 25th, we are sorry, but I will send the message in the following month.

In this case, you will receive the message even if you have not supported me in the following month.

※I’m working on the tally as I go along, but in case you did not receive it, please let me know.

※If you have made any changes to your requests, please let me know via pixiv message. (If you have already started drawing, I will not be able to help you.)

【How to receive your order】

There is a field in the request form for you to enter your e-mail address for sending psd files.

Your email address will not be sent to me when you fill out the request form.

The email address you provide will only be used to send the completed data.

If you do not wish to receive a psd file, or if for some reason I‘m unable to send a psd file to your email address, I will send you a jpeg file of the completed image via pixiv message. (About 3 difference images)


I have added a few details from the previous announcement article that I noticed after operating the project for more than 6 months.

And I have also created a Microsoft form for those who do not have a Google account.

If you have not been able to send me a request so far, please fill out the form here.

Also, if there is anyone who has fulfilled the requirements but has been unable to fill out the form and has given up on their request, please let me know via pixiv message. (Of course, you can make a request even if you are not a current supporter.)

I will send you the URL of the Microsoft form and the questions to answer in case you are not able to use it.


Your requests have been so supportive that I'm afraid it would be hard to update without this project already!

Thank you all so much 😊.

I'm really enjoying all the different ideas you've come up with!

I hope you will continue to enjoy with me with your reasonable support ☺️🙏.

Also, I know this should be a separate article, but I just wanted to ask a small question...

It has been almost a year and a half since I opened FANBOX, and the amount of support from those who have been supporting me from the beginning all along will reach the third request for this project.

If you have any ideas or projects you would like me to do other than this project, I would be happy to hear your suggestions in the comments or via pixiv message...! 🙏

I am very, very grateful that there are far more supporters than I had imagined ☺️.

And I hope to make FANBOX even more fun for everyone 💪✨.

Thank you for your continued support! 💛



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