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The Iori pic is progressing smoothly, I should be able to release it on the 1st of July after I'm done with another commission! I was worried this month's fanbox content might have suffered a bit from taking comms on the side but things are going better than expected! Only one concern I have is that my drawing arm is starting to hurt from the strain ;x; I'll try and make sure to stay healthy but if things worsen, I might do some traditional stuff to break away from my monitor and not draw in the same position all the time. It would probably need to be SFW though since I don't have my own scanner at home. As a little bonus, here's a couple sketches of some upcoming images I'll be making. I can't wait to have more free time to work on those, I think I'm starting to really figure out the kind of style I want and these OC pics have been really good for experimentation!




Sure you should be careful and slow down a little, already saw artists who had to stop for a while because they were drawing way too much. Human bodies have limits and you should take a rest when it hurts. You can still delay your comm if needed, people would understand imo. And good job as always, the cafe girls illustrations looks promising and Iori...oh god that Iori illustration, finally coming <3


I've never really had problems like this but I think what's taking its toll on my body is the fact that in the last 2 years I've been increasingly working digitally coupled with the confinement haha


Only if it hurts a lot and you force on it then it could make your arm/hand unusable for some days. But the artists I mention were doing like one full illustration per day, completely crazy ×) You mean you have done non-digital works in the past? Like doujinshi?


Ah I see, this is probably why I love your coloring! It looks more "polished" than most of other artists.