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Aerodynamics and I decided to remake Lost Treasures because I can't write the story of new RPG well (゚∀゚).
All the pictures, musics and stories will be remake.




I wish you the best of luck! I personally think you have a great story going for Lost Treasures but if you want to remake it I totally support your decision! Love the art btw! ❤


Thank you for supporting! By the way, the story of LT is written by Aero.


얼마나 완성된건가요? 기대하고있습니다


Sounds like a lot of work, make sure you don't get burnt out. The game was already pretty good, so I can't wait to see the remake!


Remaking? Does it mean you will make a project about chapter 3? Or just remake Lost Treasure that you have already made.


So exciting to see later. Keep it up, dude. I really love ur work.


Very exciting news! You and Aero working together is like a dream team to me! :D


And i'll still be here to compose for it


So excited!!! Hoping for an English version as well! Good luck


OhhhhMG, I know the feeling... I'll tell you what I keep telling myself. There's no such thing as 'lost time', you HAVE to make the version you don't like in order to know that you don't like it. Only THEN can you really do what you meant to, using the last version of your project as a springboard. The project's full potential is your destination this time. I'm actually excited FOR you two. Go forth and remember the #1 Rule! Have fun with the process, don't be overly eager for the release date, friendy. ♥


good luck on ur work. hopefully there will be some bad end. ^^ keep up the good work.


Will the remake feature a different story than the original chapters or mostly quality of life patches? Also, when can more news on the remake expect to be heard?


It's almost the same story but optimized. I have finished about 20% game arts, but I'm not sure when the trial version could be released. Aero is busy.


Well this is beautiful news, especially with how 2020's going


What languages would be available when this releases?


I'm so excited for the news! I was wondering if there are any plans to release the old pictures of Lost Treasures since it's going to be remade. I think it would be a terrible thing if the art was to remain unused and unseen forever after all the time spent on it. I think it would be really cool to see how your art has evolved from when LT was first started. I think it really will show the progress you've made as an artist!




Umm.. when i can play remaked LT?


You'd think i'd hear more about it considering im part of the project too