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賞金首を追っていた際中、誤ってマフィアの巣窟に入り込んでしまい、襲撃されたと勘違いしたマフィア達によって捕まったレイチェル。 襲撃の理由を吐かせるためにマフィア達は彼女を拷問するが、偶然入ってしまったとばかり言うレイチェルに対し、口の堅い殺し屋だと思い違えたマフィア達はひたすら彼女を陵辱し続けた…。 マフィア「よう、ねえちゃん。いい加減観念したらどうだ?両手両足を失くした上に腹いっぱいに精液溜め込まれて苦しいだろ?」 レイチェル「はぁ…生憎、こういうことには慣れてる、んっ!…の。ふぅ…それに間違って入ったn、んごっ!…のは悪かったけど、言われのっ!…無い罪を認めるつもりはないよー。」 マフィア「ったく、若い割に図太い神経してやがる…。その強情な態度がいつまで持つか見ものだな。」 While chasing a bounty hunter, Rachel accidentally walks into a mobster's lair and is captured by the mobsters, who mistake her for an attacker. The mobsters torture her to make her tell them the reason for the raid, but when Rachel says she just walked in by accident, they think she's a tough-talking assassin and continue to humiliate her... The mafia continued to humiliate her... "Hey, girl. Why don't you give up now? You've lost both your hands and feet, and you've got a belly full of semen. Rachel: "Huh... I'm used to this kind of thing. ...'s. I'm sorry about that. I'm sorry about that, but I was told not to! ...I'm not going to admit to a crime I didn't commit. Mafia: "Damn, you've got a lot of nerve for someone so young... Let's see how long that stubborn attitude lasts." (Translated by Deepl. Maybe there are some parts that are mistranslated.)



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