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  • Shiori Tickling With Sound.mp4
  • ShioriMainloop.mp4
  • ShioriTicklingFullVersion.mp4
  • ShioriUpperbody.mp4
  • ShioriSideView.mp4



Full version with all the angles with sound:

Shiori Tickling With Sound

Full resolution:


Full resolution - Full version with all the angles:


Upper body:


Side view:


Shiori, a fairly quiet and dainty girl, has found herself the target to a group of hunters. But these weren't any ordinary hunters that for some reason had qualms with beast people. No, these were hunters that hunted beast girls for a... 'different' reason. Shiori being a very cute white-tiger girl, meant she was a prime target for them, and so she was kidnapped with a second thought...

When she awoke she had found herself restrained very heavily in this odd contraption, her arms, her legs, and even her tail were completely restrained. This weird contraption was nothing like she had seen before, and nothing like what her world of magic and fantasy has seen. What Shiori didn't know was that she was trapped inside a machine... A tickle machine at that. Which was something the cute tiger girl found out very quickly as she heard a loud whirring noise beneath her as these thin, but long arms holding some circular fluffy objects came out and surrounded her and her tummy...

Confused, she could only find herself shouting and begging, as loud as her quiet little voice let her... But it was useless as these fluffy devices placed themselves on her vulnerable and exposed tummy and sides, before suddenly starting to rapidly spin...

Without any delay, Shiori burst into a fit of adorable, confused and panicked laughter and the fluffy objects on her midriff were tickling her! Tickling was the last thing the poor girl expected, but it was just the unfortunate reality for her!

Of course this wasn't all, two hands, one each side of her, rose up from below her, and started to dig their robotic fingers right into her exposed armpits, wriggling their fingers around Shiori's sensitive hollows, and as this happened she felt smaller versions of those fluffy devices start to tickle her restrained tail too...

This was hell for Shiori, but that STILL wasn't it.

One more object came from this machine from hell, it was small cylindrical fluffy object, similar to the fluffy spinning nightmare on her tummy already, but this one had one destination. That untouched bellybutton. As it entered her bellybutton, Shiori jumped in her restraints, before screaming out even more with agonised laughter as the fluffy 'drill' in her bellybutton started to spin rapidly, tickling the walls, the rim, and even the sensitive little bottom of her navel, sending Shiori into further hysterics~

Unfortunately for Shiori, this was her life now, to be these sick perverted 'hunters' tummy tickle toy as they mess with her day in, day out, not giving her much of a break at all...

Huge thanks to my friend TicklingNavels (user/39105411) for the really nice story which was written by them, the version with audio, and for commissioning this one! ^^



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