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Original https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/94571859 1枚目調節前/2枚目調節後 動画のキャラを差し替えの際、キャラがきれいに動かなかったり配布元の画像の印象と異なる場合があるため体や顔のパラメータを良かれと思って調節しています。しかし調節にかけられる時間は正直私のやる気やキャラに対する知識によりけりであったり、出力結果が依頼者様の想像したものと異なる場合もあるとございます。 [ENG] Before adjustment of the first sheet / After adjustment of the second sheet When replacing a character in a movie, there are times when the character does not move nicely, or the impression of the character differs from that of the original distributed image, so I adjust the body and facial parameters before output. However, to be honest, the time I spend on adjustment depends on my motivation, and the output may differ from what the client has imagined. If you mention your physical characteristics at the time of adjustment, we will respond to your request.



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