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いつもご支援ありがとうございます!おかげさまで創作活動が続けられております^ ^ 遅れましてすいませんー!やっと完成しましたーマユ先輩にまた夜の公園で出してもらいました。暗めの雰囲気が背徳感というかやっちゃいけないことムード満載で素晴らしいですね。あと先輩のブラもいい感じのセクシーさにできました。 今月は2作品だけですいません…2月は日数が少ないうえに休みも少ないので思うように進みませんでした。反省ですね…もっと早く作業ができればいいんですが、なかなか早くなりません。 あと最近思うのが、女性キャラの性格やキャラクター性をもっと伝えられたらなぁと思います。今回のように会話でやりとりをさせればそのキャラの性格が伝えられるのですが、なかなか時間が。。。更新を多くしようとすれば絵を描くほうに時間をとられ単調な作品になり、性格を伝えようとすればひと作品にかける時間が増えるので更新が減ってしまう…なかなか難しいなぁと日々思っています。こずえと先輩君のやりとりとかも描いていきたいですね。 なんにせよ、ご支援いただいてるみなさんのおかげで私も創作活動が出来ておりまして、感謝感謝の日々です。楽しんで描いていきたいと思っていますので、私の作品でみなさんも楽しんでもらえれば嬉しいことこの上ないです^ ^それでは、今月もどうもありがとうございました~! ーーーーーーー Thank you for all your support! Thanks to your support, I am able to continue my creative work ^ ^ Sorry for the delay! I finally finished it and asked Mayu-senpai to show it in the park at night again. The dark atmosphere is full of immorality or something that shouldn't be done, and it's wonderful. Also, I was able to make her bra look nice and sexy.I will make English translation later. I'm sorry for only two works this month...I didn't have as many days off in February as I would have liked, and I didn't have as many vacations. I wish I could work faster, but I can't. Also, recently I think it would be better if I could convey more of the female characters' personalities and characterization. I wish I could convey the character's personality by having them interact with each other in conversation as I did this time, but it takes a lot of time. If I try to update more often, I end up spending more time drawing pictures and the work becomes monotonous, and if I try to convey the character's personality, I end up spending more time on each work and update less. I would like to draw more interaction between Kozue and senpai-kun. In any case, thanks to all of you who support me, I am able to do my creative work, and I am grateful for it every day. I would like to enjoy drawing, and I would be more than happy if you could enjoy my works as well ^ ^Thank you very much again for this month!




💯💯💯 $500 is worth it

