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Hello. This is Daikokuten.

Well, the survey that we asked for your cooperation at the beginning of the year seems to have been answered, so I would like to publish the results.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

It was very, very informative.

Please see the results for each question.

It's super long, so you can skip it if you want!

■作品割合について(About the ratio)








・The group of few dickgirls

The total of "a little too few" and "too few" was 44%. About half of them would like to see more drawing. However this is because the survey was about "dickgirls," and those who prefer normal girls may not have responded to this survey in the first place.

・The group of right ratio

About half, 44%. This group was close to the "few" group. About half of the respondents seem to think that it is the "right amount. Considering the possibility that those who prefer normal girls did not respond to this survey in the first place, we think that this answer of "just the right amount" may be close to the essence.

・The group of much

8% of the respondents answered that there were clearly too much. There was also a respondent who said, "It's okay that much dickgirls". This is a positive attitude toward dinky girls, but if the question is whether there are too many or too few, it is judged to be an opinion that there are too many. The total of "too many" seems to be 12%.

And what I think I failed to do this time is that I did not ask the basic premise of "Which do you like dickgirls or normal girls? If I had, I would have been able to conduct a deeper analysis.

■ヨルさんはどっち?(Is Yor-san a Futa? Or shemale?)



The 44% of respondents who said they were futanari were more than double the number of votes for the shemale group.

Below is a summary of the many comments we received.


・ふたなりが好き(I like the futanari)

・原作が女であることと、ヨルさんのイメージ(the original is a woman and the image of Yor.)

・オマンコがある分シーメールよりも楽しめる場所が多い(There are more places to have fun because of the pussy.)

・第3の性として見れる(I can see it as a third gender)

・あくまで女の子が好き。シーメールは男である(I like girls only. Shemale is man.)


・シーメールのほうが好き(I prefer shemale)

・その方がイメージに合う(It fits her image better.)

・女がペニスや前立腺によって男の快感を味わっている様はより魅力的(It is more attractive to see a woman enjoying the pleasure of a man by means of her penis and prostate)

■どちらでもよい派のご意見(Both are ok)

・どちらもエッチで好き(I like both lewdness.)

・その時、大黒天が最もエロい!楽しい!と感じるほうを都度選択するのが良い(It is better to choose the one that feels the most erotic and fun at the time)

■シーメールとふたなりの好み(your preference to shemale and futanari)




This was a close match. Well, I don't know why you two in green and purple chose "other," but it can mean "both".

Then, it was quite close. About half of the respondents chose "either. And there were almost the same number of shemale and futanari.

Here is a summary of the many comments we received.


・ふたなりが好き(I like the futanari)

・オマンコがある分シーメールよりも楽しめる場所が多い(There are more places to have fun because of the pussy.)

・第3の性として見れる(I can see it as a third gender)

・あくまで女の子が好き。シーメールは男である(I like girls only. Shemale is man.)

・女の子なのにチンポで感じる背徳感がよい(I like the sense of immorality she feels with a dick even though she is a girl.)


・シーメールのほうが好き(I prefer shemale)

・改造された肉体にエロさを感じる(Eroticism in the modified body.)

・チンコとオマンコの両方責めよりチンコとアナルの両方責めで刺激される女のほうが良い(A woman who is stimulated by both cock and anus is better than a woman who is stimulated by both cock and pussy.)

・FGSのダビンチやアルトリア親子が好みでこのサイトに来ているのでシーメールを期待(I prefer Da Vinci and Artoria and her son at FGS, so I'm hoping for a shemale here.)

■どちらでもよい派のご意見(Both are ok)

・どちらもエッチで好き(I like both lewdness.)

・どちらも同じ(Both are the same)

・ふたなりには女性が有する異質感、シーメールには快楽のための牝感があり甲乙つけ難い。(Futanari has a sense of strangeness because she is a woman, while shemale has a sense of being a bitch for pleasure, making it difficult to choose between the two.)

・キャラクターによる(By Character)

・ノーマル女体の差分なら、シーメールのほうが萌える(If the difference version of the normal female body version, shemale is more moe.)

■シーメールとふたなりへのこだわり(particular commitment to the difference between shemale and futanari)




Most of the respondents seem to be able to jerk off either way, although they do have their preferences.

However, some seem to be unable to jerk off if their tastes do not match.

I also tabulated whether this preference is stronger among the Futanari or the Shemale group.


After all, some of the Futanari group see shemales as a "man" and when that happens, they find it hard to see them as jerk off material. The Shemale group seems to be rather flexible. This may be due to the low supply of shemale stuff. There were also those who responded that they are divided on whether or not they are jerk off material, even though they like both. This is a little difficult to interpret.

■ストーリーやセリフで明確な方がいい?(Do you want clear in my stories and dialogues?)



This one was also quite close.

This question is closely related to the previous one, because I thought that if there were many people who said "I can't use futanari" or "I can't use shemale," it would be easier for everyone to use it if the interpretation of that part was left to the reader's discretion. However, while there are some who think so, there are about the same number of people who think it is better to be clear. Below we look at the correlation between those who are particular and those who seek clarity.



I thought that for those who were particular about whether they were futanari or shemales, it would be more enjoyable to leave it ambiguous on the work so that they could interpret it according to their own preferences.

However, as shown in the table, none of those who were particular chose "not declaring". I realized that my thinking must have been the opposite. I guess it is necessary to be clear because they are particular about it.

■Dickgirlという言葉の意味(about dickgirl)




This was honestly difficult to interpret. Well, I guess I'll just say "meaning both."

In Japan, "Futanari" and "Shemale" are classified quite strictly, and for example, there is a war if you put a Futanari tag on a Shemale illustration or CG collection. However, as we found in my survey, there are many people who "like both". So, if possible, I think it would be good to have another broad category before separating Futanari and Shemale. I think the term "dickgirl" has become common overseas, and it seems that both Futanari and Seamer are once called "dickgirl". I thought this is a very nice culture, so I wanted to check if my understanding was correct.

As a result, it's a little hard to say (laughs).








After all, there seems to be a certain number of the futanari group who are concerned about whether the former is a woman or a man. On the other hand, the Shemale group, well, does not see shemale as a man so much. Including me. They have boobs, whether modified or natural, and have the same appearance as girls, and they are erotic. I thought both could be recognized as "girls with dicks".

What I also found surprising was that there was no response from the shemale group that they were "easily emotionally involved". Since Shemales have a cock and a anus as their sexual organs, playing with the prostate is a necessity, and in that sense, they have the same physical structure as us, right? Well, is it okay for a futanari to have a prostate too? I don't know if this contradicts what I said earlier about not seeing them as men, but I think it's easy to get emotionally involved with a shemale. Don't you have that kind of thing? I do.

I also appreciated your opinion that it is better to choose the one that feels the most erotic and fun at the time. My thinking was narrow-minded, wasn't it? "Is Yoru-san a futanari woman or a shemale? Which is it, Yol-san?" I could draw her as a shemale or as a Futanari. I can be flexible and draw her the way I want to draw it at any given time. I think that's really true. Drawing should be more free and unrestrained, right?

After all, everyone's tastes are different. It seems that there is no "right" answer. What made us most happy was that the most common response was that they have their own preferences, but enjoy both.

I will continue to draw erotic things while worrying! Please bear with me!



I've got a free comment!



I think it's best for Daikokuten to paint whatever you wants to paint as your passion dictates. I would be overjoyed either way!

I think Daikokuten's anal play is good because I like anal play, so even though she is a Futanari (female), anal is better than pussy... or because she is a shemale, anal is pussy... or I can see anal play involving each of them.


I love anal play too, so whether they're girls, futanari, shemale, or trap, let's have fun training them to the point where their anal will be gapping!


I would like to see more of Da Vinci blaming and being blamed. Also, please distribute a new book to Dlsite as well, sometime soon.

⇨ダ・ヴィンチちゃん気に入ってくれて嬉しいです!あんなに美しいのにファンアート少なすぎ問題。FGS総集編はもうしばらくしたらDLSiteでも販売開始します。今しばらくお待ちをm(_ _)m

I'm glad you like it, Da Vinci! Too little fan art for such beauty. I will start selling the FGS compilation on DLSite in a little while. Please wait a few more days.m(_ _)m

・俺は止まんねぇからよ/I don't stop.


I ain't stopping either!

・female to futa (or shemale) transformation art. anything from science experiments to magic accidents and curses



That's right! Anything goes, anything feels good, anything can be masturbated to!

・I like bondage and CBT. Always have and always will. That's your content I like most. I also really enjoy sounding. Keep up the good work and thanks for the gift.



Thank you. Bondage and CBT are my life's work and I love it. I want female dicks to be hurt to the point of crying, and I want them to be masochists who climax while crying out in pain. I want to create many such futanari masochists and shemale masochists. Also, urethral torture is really chilling and exciting. Keep up the good work and I'll keep drawing!

・im here for the urethra play



Great! We think a cock is attached not to fuck, but to be fucked, to be abused. There is no other use for a masochistic dickgirl's cock than that! The urethra is a place filled with more immoral pleasures than the anus!


My personal obsession is bondage! I really liked Yor's art with the difference with the rope! The ropes on her legs that can be seen through the gaps in her kimono were a very touching point!



Aaah!!! Thank you for noticing that rope! I think it makes it more immoral to see a glimpse of the chastity of the rope being made up even when it's not visible!

I'll try my best to draw more attractive ropes!


I like Futanari, but I feel immorality and eroticism in the body of shemale, who has been modified for sex. It is good to fall of one's own accord, and it is also good in the pattern of being forcibly altered.


Body modification is so erotic! The sense of hopelessness of never being able to return to her original body again ignites the masochist heart. I am a natural breast person, but I really understand the benefits of body modification!


Personally, I very much like futanari girls with balls, no hair, a bit big cock, and I would be happy to see their appeal expand.


Oh, I like with ball, too! All of my futa and shemale arts have balls. Balls are a sexy organ that produces cum. It's exciting to think of cum boiling in them, and being mercilessly tortured by soft balls is an indispensable reward for a masochist.

・尿道と前立腺の刺激をこのように適切に描写する作家はあなただけです! これらの主題は多少嫌悪感や過度になることが多いのですが、作家は適度に魅力的に、適正なレベルで描いてくれて本当に感謝しています。

You are the only artist who portrays urethral and prostate stimulation in such an apt manner! These subjects are often somewhat disgusting and excessive, but I really appreciate that the artist portrays them in a moderately attractive and appropriate level.


Owww! I'm a little too complimentary! I'm too happy, a little too shy, and a little too writhing. I want to make love to a lot of masochists in different ways, and maybe some of them will be too much, but I'll do my best not to disappoint you! Thank you!




なるほど、興味深い結果ですね。とりあえずココには「武士(もののふ)」が集っていらっしゃるという認識でよろしいでしょうか? 勉強になります。(;´∀`)


アンケートに真剣に答えるためにちょっとややこしく振舞いましたが、作家さんが描いたものなら両方ともあまり気にしません。 どれもいいですよ! I've been a little tricky to answer the survey seriously, but I don't care much about both if it's what you drew. Everything is good!




いえいえとんでもないです。ご協力いただけて大変嬉しかったです。これからも女の子もふたなりもシーメールも、なんなら男の娘も描いていきますので、どれも愉しんでいただけたら嬉しいです! Not at all! I am very happy to have your cooperation. I will continue to draw girls, futanaris, shemales, and even traps, so I hope you will enjoy them all!