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This is really great because I can change the password whenever I want! This is far better than any other service I've seen AND they are self hosted and their services are paid for via fanbox, so no interaction with any morality policing credit card companies!

I really hope they are the start of much needed change in the artistic community.

Welcome. This page is for those wanting to support my Matrix server endeavors and also for anyone who wants to sign up for very low restriction and cloud storage and e-mail. If you're an artist who draws lolicon artwork, contact me for free cloud storage! https://cutefunny.art/posts/contact.html After subscribing, please send me a message on Pixiv with your desired e-mail and nextcloud name and keep an eye out for my reply https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/35388601 The rewards of doing so are: • 30GB of nextcloud storage which you can post share links from • Cute and funny e-mail address. If you have reward suggestion do let me know! Please read these for more info **Nextcloud storage screenshots demo** https://cutefunnyart.fanbox.cc/posts/3574351 **E-mail webclient and client setup** https://cutefunnyart.fanbox.cc/posts/3574537 What I will be using the money for: • Matrix server costs (currently around 180 dollars a month) • The cloud storage is on a server I pay for now, so it will be used for that as well. • Other potential ideas: • Based commissions (which will be posted here) • Ads on boorus Suggestions welcome too

This is their Fanbox if you want a server of your own or just want to support or share them!

BUT, now's the time to hmu for some linkies, and theoretically I wont need to change folders again and I can just slap new passwords on here!


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