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So, I've been busy busy busy trying to tackle stuff to make things more convenient, that's why this month is starting late. Not just on fanbox but IRL as well.

My dishwasher has been busted for like months now so every once in a while I had to spend a day trying to figure out how to fix it BUT also clean my kitchen because when dishes pile up it causes mess everywhere AND dishes to do lol, BUT on the plus side I know an insane amount about dishwashers now and I'm narrowed the culperit down to two parts, which I didnt want to replace because of my brain thing about spending money, BUT I found them super cheap and was able to replace both parts for like 30 bucks. So one of those came in today, so I'm gonna see if that fixes the issue and if it does ill save the other part for when that inevitibly explodes.

So hopefully with all this busy work out of the way I'll be able to get drawing done more sooner in the month and have less anxiety attacks, yay!!

I think what happened is I kind of ignored it because I was at work, but you know, when youre home trying to draw and a sink of dirty dishes and a broken money sink is staring you in the face it's hard to calm down.

But anyways im just being a baby, point is, working on stuff, fixing stuff, actually getting over my problems and workling on solutions to make life easier going forward! Here's to a great march! NOW, can i PLEASE draw my pregnant Chi, dammit?!


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