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It's really an amazing feeling to have your vision be appreciated by so many others, especially one that's really unrefined.

My Marrin comics are just little short stories I come up with off the top of my head or just develop as I make them. I've been doing a larger story in the background of stuff I'm planning but just the little bits Im showing are cute concept pieces of this family dynamic.

But yeah it's just so cool to see so many new faces brought in by these ideas!

Every comic, picture, and design has been different from the last because nothing has been "official" yet and I'm kind of live spitballing everything using your feedback and suggestions to really hone things in, it's one of the reasons I dont really try too hard on the uhhhh like... Transitional panels? Like the pics that ARNT hentai, because they are more like storyboards for the future.

One day if this becomes a fully realized project I'd love to spend time to polish the entire thing, making longer chapters, and even hiring additional help because I realized that making comics is HARD lol

Like, I know some of my comics are just basic interactions and simple poses but damn, you need to plan out composition, sketches, dialogue, design, over all flow, the whole story, even for a small idea it's a bit of an undertaking.

BUT that's neither here nor there, for now, Marrin is just a fun idea thats a vision from my heart to you that I'm so happy you enjoy!

I do realize that not everyone here supports me for my personal projects too and February was filled with that and want other things.

Thank you for being patient with me while I did that!

I wanted the comics to be the essence of "Me" and my journey as an artist. My wholesome family, my sense of humor, my spicy dialogue, and my shameful kink fetish lol So I'm hoping it did at least give you a little bit what you love from me!

Of course I'm still going to do more of my standard fair. Takagi family, Mesugaki, overall calling you out for being a gross drooling paypig... hehe

Consider Feb just "Me time".

I might hold a poll to see what you guys want to see more of, too!

Oh but yeah, lately i've been doing some self discovery on how I handle stress. A lot of you who've supported me and been my friend for a long time know im just one disaster after another and arts been my one thing that stuck and I think that influenced how I react to "Things happening" to me.

It was normal for me to get overwhelmed when the bad times came, but lately I've been feeling overwhelmed from just.. like.. anything happening. "Oh I gotta mow the lawn and my dishwasher is acting up and I have a comic to draw and I have to meet my brother.. Guess i'll just die" Those things arnt all bad but It's been making me spiral, so I think when my default has been "News = Bad" for so long that now that i have WAY less bad news thanks to you my head just kind of reacts to it the same, so I'm hoping now that I'm aware of it I can start the process to having a normal life.

At first I felt horrible because I have everything I ever wanted with you all and I was all "How dare I feel depressed after all they do for me?!" but, it took 20 years for me to get so damaged and i'm not gonna be fixed over night, so It's a journey of self help and discovery, and I hope whatever problems you're facing in life you can learn from this and me as well. Take time with yourself.

Aaaaaand let's see, what else did I want to share..

OH! And the Folders will be changing passwords the day after I post the new Mini comic. I'll post them on here according to your tier <3

Anyways, thanks again for being here, being with me, and growing with me! I know I'm not the best artist, the most stable, or the most personal so it means the world to have you guys come back month after month and show me how much I'm appreciated <3 I never had that in life and I'm grateful every day and constantly scared I'll lose it lol, so It's nice to have the reassurance.

And I know I've gotten a few complaints about how many blog posts I do, and I do hear you and respect that, but one of the things I like doing the most is talking to you all and letting you know what's going on!

See you soon!!


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