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So in the first few pages Ive been and will continue to been trying out new body types for Marrin. Continuity allows it because the comic takes place non chronologically over years, sometimes Rinni will be a baby, sometimes shes in first grade. So Marrin might age up, down, gain or lose weight. I want to find a good spot where we all like her as a lot of the story is going to be revolving around her and her shenanigans!

As for how I will do the coloring, after reading your feedback I have a fun solution. Color the important pages. Sometimes I'll have "Good" pages with lots of sexy sex sex and colorful language and sometimes its just gonna be funny ideas I had or transitional scenes. The latter may or may not be colored but the GOOD ones will.

I still need a name for our Hero, unless you guys think its a good idea for her to be directly talking to "You". I'm working on his design, though, so we have plenty of time to figure it out.

As for the formatting, I wanted to not do the traditional panels and speech bubbles of most manga and comics because it's not really a "Manga". It's a story and the way I want to do it is something unique to me. Fun pictures with a nice story. I have a lot planned for this and I'm really excited to be working on it!!

So please any and all feedback is good, and if you don't like it and prefer I do more of the ol' Takagi and Insults then It wouldnt hurt my feelings! I value all your opinions!

But yeah, this is just me planning out loud! Thank you for listening!



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