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the same people have been making multiple accounts and spending hours twice a day spamming my pictures every day. It's become such a pain to take time out of my day to remove them coupled with the regular spam I get on the daily.

if anyone is using my pictures or comment section to advertise or distribute anything illegal I'd like to respectfully ask you not to. I remove the links within minutes of them being posted so it's just a waste of all our time and it's hard enough to draw what I draw without being accused of instrigating malicious activity. I want My art to be separated from anything real and illegal and just be it's own thing.

So please be considerate of other peoples livlihoods before posting spam links or telegram numbers on their comments. Art means a lot to some people and if their pictures become a hub For activity they could be shut down.

I know you guys are amazing supportive people who most likely have nothing to do with this, but I just wanted to give this psa just in case.

remember. Mommy loves you guys and she works hard for you.


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