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Things are... weird with links lately. Since discord banned me (Even though I didnt do anything) that means someone I was talking to must have reported my account.

So I think the best, and most coy, thing to do to avoid eeeeeveryone off my little butt is doing a telegram instead that supporters will have access to.

I know its a pain in the butt to make a new account on something but weird times call for weird measures. I COULD also just keep making discord accounts. That might work, too..

Let me know if you have any thoughts!

Anyways, I'm feeling loads better today, it was just like a 24 hour flu thingy.

I've been working a LOT lot lately so I havnt had much sit down time to draw so ive been getting chores done before vacation so I can spend the rest of October making fun stuff.

My plan was dropping to part time in November BUT turns out ol' BSG needs quite a bit more dental work (3 crowns and 1 Root Canal), soooooo It's gonna need a few more months of full time out of me.

BUT if I made it this far working two jobs and drawing I sure as hell can keep it up!

October was my busy season so I should be all freed up and rested to get back to it.

Thanks for understanding why I have little slow spells, but I'm ready take a crack at some more pics, Just one more day of work and I have a good 11 days off!

I'm almost done with my takagi pic, too, and I hope you'll like it!

Anyways if you guys need links just hmu on pixiv DM's for now, love ya!


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