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Would you be willing to recreate mangas or fanfics in video form? because something like this seems right up your alley! https://hentai2read.com/smile_ntrman/


I usually get ideas subconsciously from some form of media lol hentai and porn. I couldn't get into the site you linked though. =(


i linked a shota manga called "Smile By NTRMAN", he makes somewhat similar porn as you but hes more focused on ntr/cucking over anything else thus the name. This one in particular has an ending that instantly reminded me of something you wouldve come up with hehe. Anyways, it be thrilling to see this or other shota mangas get recreated by you since hentai studios tend to take their sweet time


Thank you! Sweet! I'll definitely check it out. Yeah...I try to create things as fast as I can but also making sure it's somewhat decent (Fappable lmao)


Okay I read it and I lovedddd it lol I'm not going copy it all the way but I WILL use it for reference lmao thank you Z!


fuck me this is a dream come true, it'll be interesting to see how you put your own spin on it so im glad to hear you'll reference it. of course i have far more i could suggest if your open to it in the future but i'll wait until a more appropriate time since i've already overstepped myself