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Captured a bunch of screenshots but for some reason my Geforce Experience kept making duplicates of the last pic instead of capturing what was on my screen. Never had that problem before. Going to roll back to an Old version. F*ck Nvidia. https://files.catbox.moe/vq1b3p.png https://files.catbox.moe/wry4q2.png https://files.catbox.moe/jl75ce.png



hi is the stuff that you uploaded to the allthefallen site are videos or pics ? is the answer video could you please reuploaded a few in anonfiles or catbox ?


Hi Bertzui! =] I read it but I'm not understanding the question. I make sure I post stuff on ATF using anonfiles and catbox so it can be viewed. These pics here are from the final scene of Billy's initiation video.