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Now I would like to introduce the new monthly reward, sketch. From now on, I will draw at least one extra sketch like this per month. When the number of sketches reaches four or five, there may be a vote to select one to become a regular monthly reward. I'm also thinking about how to choose the characters for the sketches, like second place in every character vote? Please leave a comment to let me know your thoughts and opinions on this! 现在向各位介绍新的月度奖励——额外草图。从现在开始,我将每月额外画至少一张这样的草图。当草图的数量达到四五张时,可能会进行投票,选出一张成为固定的月度奖励。我也在考虑如何选择草图的人物,比如每次人选投票的第二名?请留言告诉我您的想法和意见!




I think second place, so that non popular characters can win also