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・レイプ (同意の無い性的行為)



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This is a long text, so the deepL translation results are used as is.

Thank you for your continued support.

I and other authors have just received a notice from Pixiv management company regarding the "Revision of the Common Terms of Service for Transactions Involving Payment".

The following postings will be prohibited from December 15 onward.

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Child pornography or child abuse



Rape (sexual conduct without consent)

Illegal mutilation of the person or body 

and other acts that are offensive to public order and morals.

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If the above items are applicable to my postings on this account, they may be hidden (regardless of my intention).

In that case, it will probably not be possible to resubmit the work in question.

So, it may be better for you to download my illustrations while it is still available.

In some cases, my account may be forcibly suspended from Pixiv.

I have not yet decided what I am going to do.

In the meantime, I will be modifying the titles and dialogues of my posts.

* I will let you know when they are hidden from Pixiv. *

My drawings are low in height, so Pixiv may be judged as children even if my guys have armpit hair or cock hair.

It is also possible that bestiality refers to furry in general.

There has been no quantitative guideline for the regulatory standards for illustrations, and everything is left up to Pixiv.

It is not a matter of saying that because it has been this way in the past, it will continue to be this way in the future.

And the same is likely to be true for other support sites such as Fantia and Patreon.

I will not know what will happen until December 15.

I may be in a mess for a while, but I hope you will understand the situation.

Thank you for your continued support.






これは難しい問題ですよね…。他のサイトに移行したところでいたちごっこになる可能性がありますし。 まずは11月下旬の規約改定で何が書かれるか、ですよね。ケモ系は結局のところマイノリティなので、仮に規約が具体的に書かれたとしても触れられもせずどうすればいいのか不明なまま…になりそうな気もしますが。 なにより、Pixiv運営は中途半端な情報開示で絵描きへむやみにプレッシャーを与えないでほしいですね…(局部修正バナシといい今に始まったものではないですが)。


Dear kdmnsan! I've sent you a message on your pixiv.


Yes, subsribestar is excellent service except that 'paypal' is not available...


おっしゃる通りで正式な改定後の規約でもう少し詳細な何かが得られれば、ですね。 現状は様子を見る以外に無く、仮に改定後の規約が出てもユーザーが期待する詳細が書かれてるかどうか。 結局12月以降も今までどおり投稿して、どんな表現がNGなのかOKなのか見極めていく事になりそうです。 とりあえず今のうちに何かあった際こちらが取れるアクションに何があるか考えています。 少数派は良くも悪くも無視されるのが常ですね~。


劇的なことが起こらないことを願っています。 現在、クレジットカード以外の支払い方法はPayPalのみです。 このような素晴らしい芸術を失わないことを願っています。 2つのお勧めがあります。 Fantia はアートを投稿するのに適した場所で、Patreon は良い場所です。 このメッセージは、アーティストが読みやすいように翻訳されています。


Thank you for your reply in Japanese! It seems that Patreon strictly forbids rape and children/look like children. are there any authors similar to me on patreon? Fantia doesn't seem to support PayPal, are you ok with that? What do you think about Subscribestar, which also does not support PayPal?


Well they just kicked 95% of the users out, this is where furry, loli/shota, and furry loli/shota artists post because patreon sucks dirty unwiped ass. I guess they want to pull a Twitter too.


There are feral on feral artists on Patreon. I pay using credit card through Patreon, but I'm not sure if I would be able to pay with credit card on Fantia and Subscribestar since I don't have a Japanese address nor a Japan credit card. I've never paid using those websites before. Do you know if payment outside of Japan is available for Fantia and Subscribestar?


Update: After some research, a possible way to avoid penalty from pixiv for posting explicit material is by posting images on external platforms such as Google Drive and Dropbox (which you already do). Maybe you could test out an image with this method after the regulation goes into affect and see how it goes?


Since fantia is a Japanese service, usability of the payment method for people overseas is not expected. Since Subscribestar is an overseas company, many people have named it as a candidate for migration. So, I wonder if the payment method will be okay? I don't know the details. Sorry. >Google Drive and Dropbox It's a tightrope walker, so risk is always involved. I think you are exactly right that I have to wait and see. It all depends on the official announcement of the terms and conditions in late November.


Oh noooo. I'm fairly new to Pixiv and just have started supporting a few artists. And I was going to subscribe to you. So does that mean I only have until Dec. 15 to subscribe?


Thank you for considering your support and I look forward to hearing from you soon.❤ I have posted my latest announcement, so please check back there. It appears that even though my illustrations in violation, my account will not be immediately suspended on December 15. I will continue to post as long as I am able!