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それぞれ犬、猫、狐の獣化カラーラフになります。 These are rough TF drawings of a dog, cat and fox.




尻尾が生えてきたときにスカートが捲れてしまうのはいいものだと思います。アニメや漫画だと、耳や尻尾が生えてきたときに隠して学校に行くがバレてしまうという展開がよくありますが、この子たちの場合、帽子で耳は隠せても尻尾を隠すのは大変そうですね。 コミッションの方は楽しみにしております!

Shifty Imp

I love how the dog girl stretches her skirt over her newly grown tail. Doesn't seem like she has noticed her ears yet. X3 And vice-versa for the cat girl, she's concerned about her ears but hasn't realized her tail snaking it's way out of her clothes. ^^ And the fox girl is amazing too. She's a lot further into her TF already and looks like she's going down to all fours pretty soon. And I really love her overall design by the way, hair style, outfit, colors, etc. ^^




Yes, The fox girl is more advanced in her transformation than the other girls, and her hands are already ready to stand on the ground. I also like the color of the fox girl's clothes and stuff, so I'm glad you like it too. :)