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それぞれ狐、兎、猫の獣化カラーラフになります。 These are rough TF drawings of a fox, rabbit and cat.






しっぽが大きくなりすぎて隠せなくなっていますね。 ありがとうございます!

Shifty Imp

Oh my god! The Fox TF is so great! Her trying to put her growing fluffy tail inside her skirt is so cute! X3 The bunny TF is also pretty nice. I like how it looks as though the fur is starting to make her clothes feel a lot tighter. ^^ Last one's also awesome. Seems like that collar had some unintended side effects. A nice classic TF trigger. :3


Thank you so much! I like how fur makes one's clothes tighter, too! I would like to be able to express that in TF sequence. TF with a collar is classic, and it's one of my favorite ways to TF!

Shifty Imp

One of my all-time-favorite TFs from you is actually a collar TF as well. ^^ https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/70258645