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Open up your eyes wide...no, no that wide!

The summer mood isn't over yet, as proven by these next pics. Featuring, as always, the cutest and most playful girls. They are as bright as a ray of sunshine, so sunglasses may be required. Also make sure to bring the sunscreen, we're gonna need it to play outside all day! ☀️🥵

Immersed (rev.)

Starting in the morning, swiming through the firts rays of light. I wonder if she found some treasure after all this swiming?

I wanted to start this off with this piece from the last extras, since now I have the swimsuit alts. added(reverse alts? now with more clothes instead of the other way around :O ), and this one in specific. I sure love ruffle bikini bottoms. And specially only the bottoms, this style look super cute I think, though it's a fashion not commonly sported everywhere sadly (evidenced by how my bare chest drawings always got removed from other sites u.u ).

And speaking of bottoms only...

Lovely Days 2 - Stroll

-Hurry! We're gonna plant these new flowers and oh, we need to water them too!

-No, it's not an excuse to play with the hose again~! Well... maybe we will play a litlle, but just a little... ¬w¬

She was so eager to play outside that she didn't even bother putting something on, but who can blame her. It's the perfect day to get some vitamin D, plus it will be more practical afterwards, since I'm sure these two rascals will make a mess. 💦

Now we're going full naturiste. Well exept for one little detail; the shoes. But she'll take them off eventually, be sure of that; she takes good care of her attire and would'nt want to get them all soggy when playing. Also this is the perfect weather to take a bath outside in the iron wash bucket, that is always fun!

And now the pic I made you wait all these days for:

Summer Memories

A photo of a sweet moment to be cherished for eternity.

It's okay, it's just a little boo-boo, you'll be healed in no time!

They all love playing outside during the summer, but accidents can happen, specially when kitties are involved. But she's a tough girl and will be playing again like nothing happened. On another note, something gives me the idea that big sis is starting to get the liking of showing off her figure on every ocassion, what could be? She looks very graceful nonetheless, don't you agree?

Very graceful indeed!

What do I see now? Three kitties in one pic? heh.

There's something special about natural and organic shapes that I can't stop drawing them so I tend to make many figure sketches. This one was one of those random sketches, one you may recall from a few updates ago. I felt it was a good opportunity to make something good out of this one so I just gave it some adjustments to make both characters belong in the same plane and brought them outside to match the set's improvised theme.

I started painting it in the simpler style but couldn't help it but add more details and polish, specially on their faces and hair, and eventually everything came together, I think it deserved it.

This one could be the final exclusive pic to end this blog entry but I felt that since only one of the new pics had a nsfw alt. it could feel a bit barebones with just two unique artworks, so it's not the end yet, the party continues!

Dancing Devil

What do you call a girl with horns, hornsy or...?

This beautiful sunny day is about to end but somewhere in far away place a catchy song starts playing and some unsupervised kids engage in an age-old ritual without realizing. No need to think bad, it's just for fun! And girls just wanna have fun.

All you can do is spectate nature manifesting itself in an spontaneuos flash, don't blink or you'll miss it!

Missed it? Here's the second take! 📷

Now that's a bit more risky, or could it be that you're seeing visions now? All you know is that, meanwhile, the song starts looping without end, your brain's hypnotized, you start to feel numb and all of a sudden...pitch black, you passed out.

Moments later you wake up by the sound of a dripping faucet in an unknown room without your legs.

Just kidding! That won't happen xD. We all had much fun but this day wouldn't be complete without a horror story at the end of the night, or that's what they say.


Phew~, that's all for now. These 'extras' have evolved into their own thing for sure, they're like a sort of mid update by now. This last pic was initally going to be a bonus flat colored sketch (to be developed further in a future set) but suddenly I remembered how at a certain moment when the sun is setting and the last rays of sunlight hit only the top of a subject because of the buldings or environment shadows, that creates such a cool setup. Annnd... I couldn't help but try to replicate that before I forgot, at least in a simple way.

As usual download for more versions and some extra sketches, they're cute, and funny! And sorry for such a big file even though there aren't that many unique illustrations; the set grew big as I wanted to include all clothing variations for the last pics and let you "undress" each character individually.

Update 053 - Tier 2 extras

Thanks for reading and supporting this venture!! 🫶🏻





tyvm! This is all great :D The Stroll is very cute

Jessika Ryan

I love looking through your sketches! Gives me so much inspiration!


I like poses that show the entire body of the girl in the swimsuit, and compositions that look up from below.


Thanks :3, low angles can look very exciting and playful inviting.