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Hey, wake up! Here's a little something for you.You may get a little closer to have a better look, but there's a chance to be splashed, just be warned! So if you don't mind getting a bit wet come join the fun, we got snacks too.

Did you bring the towels? 🌊💦

Chiru-Chiru in the hotsprings

Ahh~the hotsprings. Such a relaxing experience it seems to be, and such a view you'll get here as well! I'm pretty sure you'd feel renewed afterwards.

Get through the steam and into the water...

Chubbynes awaits beneath the clouds💕

This scene was inspired by this clip from Kum-Kum I got showed by a friend who introduced me to this cute retro character, never watched that series but since I like retro stuff and cute stuff alike couldn't resist to sketch her a few months ago and now make a full illustration out of it. I added the flower tiara because I thought it looked cute.

Charlotte's Waterslide Fun

Look at this cute bum-- er... I mean, smile! And get imbibed in her joy.

Running through the grass and sliding thru the waterslide again and again, could watch her all day. All nakey so she doesn't ruin her clothes, plus it's more fun that way!


An alternative version with a different set of panties(the original ones?) because why not?

And last but not least:


Is it a dream? It sure looks like it but it's real. This sea 'baby' girl loves diving through the shallow coral reefs, surrounded by fish of every color you'll see her gracefully gliding and fliping through the crystal clear waters of this remote island like it's second nature for her.

It's a perfect sunday morning, like every day she gets up early, puts on her flip-flops and her hay hat, picks up her tin box, grabs some snacks and off she goes. The sound of the waves and the seagulls fill in the scene. Using a rock as a weight she leaves all her clothes at the shore and into the sea we go. The sun shines bright and the sunbeams passing through the water create such and idyllic scene. Follow her as she collects the most precious seashells ideal for crafting a new necklace, could be a nice gift for a friend, a special person maybe? Searching through she may even find a treasure! Could be here all day but time passes by flying and she goes back only because it's time for lunch already, swiming can make you very hungy. What delicious food awaits?

Well that's all for now, I was a bit short of 'extras' this month, apart from the Chiru-chiru's alts., Charlotte's pic and some random sketches I didn't have much else to prepare something worthy of an extras blog post. And I didn't feel like coloring a simple nude pinup this time, wanted something more interesting, at least for me. That's why I took some time to create this new piece. It was going to be a color sketch at the begining but I felt it would be better to put a bit more into it from the start. It's not a full painting but it's not a simple color pic either, something in between. Hope you like it! I've been wanting to make and underwater piece for quite a while, so this water themed set was a nice opportunity to dab into it. There's so many ways one can approach an underwater scene that I got many ideas more during this time, and it makes me wanna try again in the future, a full painting next time maybe? I really wanna learn how to best paint those caustic effects. There will be a 'safe' version for the webs later as you can peek in the process folder but I'll finish that one later, the main version and finishing this blog was the priority.

Thanks for reading through and as always thanks for you support!

Download for all the alts. and a few more surprises in the form of sketches.

Update 052 - Tier 2 extras




Nice work! I get a Norman Rockwell feel from some of your illustrations. I like Charlotte a lot as well as a recurring character.


Great work. Hm, about this little free-diver, with you putting such emphasis on seeing the sights and looking for treasure, do you plan a version with underwater goggles?


Yes, I was thinking on doing soemthing like that, but with two girls instead :3


Thank you! I think I got some influence from his work at some point xD, love his illustrations.