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And now on the list of pending stuff...

Wanted to prepare this thing at the beginning of the year but as I was focusing on my illustrations I forgot for a while. Better late than never!

Here's how it looks excluding the exclusively nsfw pics (those which don't have a 'safe' version). Even though I feel I fell a bit short in terms of number of artworks they are roughly the same amount as previous year. Halloween pic was bigger than normal that's why it occupies extra spots :P

But what if I include those speacial artworks as well...

Now it's looking a bit better! I guess. 2022 had some tricky months, some up and downs but it was okay overall I think.This year I want to make more backrgounds since I feel they were lacking a bit now that I look in retrospective. And maybe throw in some more casual fanarts as well, haha. Whatever happens as long as we keep the loli spirit alive it will all be fine <3

What do you think, any favourite? What did you like the most? Always nice to read any comment.

I'll see again you later, I'll go continue finishing the last set, which it is 80% done so stay tuned!




I hope we get to see the N64 girl again <3


Tengo una duda, ¿vas borrando las publicaciones cada mes? veo que varios en Pixiv hacen eso, pero muchas veces me interesa el pixiv por ilustraciones de hace varios meses (aunque obvio que las nuevas me siguen interesando)


De los post normales nunca borro nada, de manera que todos los dibujos que se hayan hecho siempre van a poder verse. Lo que si expiran son los "downloads" de Tier3/Tier4, que solo incluyen los enlaces de descarga de los mismos dibujos publicados en su post normal pero a resolución original junto con sus PSDs; están por tiempo limitado porque son el perk especial para los que contribuyeron con los tiers más altos esos meses además que solo los puedo mantener por un tiempo hasta que tenga que hacer lugar para subir los nuevos archivos grandes (son muy grandes! xD)


I like a straw hat girl in the second row!