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Good morning! or afternoon, or evening, or night! It's friday and also it is art update day! Time to cool off and have some fun maybe? These 5 little friends may help with that. ❤️ This new set ended up being pretty random, it was supposed to be the holidays themed update but more time passed and art deviated from that :P. It's a bit christmasy, a bit... summery? and with a pinch of valentines. And the most important thing, the new Charlotte portrait it's here, now she's 6 years old. She grew a bit taller but she's still pretty small like you can carry her on one arm small. Maybe I should include a height ruler in these portraits. She's about to get ready for her first day at school and make new friends! Wish her good luck. Next one will be her 7 year portrait, but maybe we'll see her on new color sketches again? Anyways gotta speed them up a bit because there wasn't to supossed to be such huge gaps in between them. Sorry they're all single character pinups, may need to fix that for the next update, also sorry for so many versions of the same pictures, I was trying out stuff and didn't want to scrap those little variants. Enough rambling for now, download to get all pictures and your usual sketches, hope you enjoy them! Now I'm off to prepare the second, (and juicier!) part of this update~ Thanks for you support and onwards for another year of loli creations!⭐



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